Delaware Liberal

The Purzycki Heat Map


As you can see, the potential Mayor-Elect Mike Purzycki owes his victory to the Highlands and the West Side, though he had strong second place finishes in those areas where Eugene Young notched his victories. Interestingly though, in those areas where Kevin Kelley won in the West Side, Purzycki did not finish second, but third or worse. Further, in the north and northeast, where the color indicates that he finished in fifth place, he really finished much worse than that. Like 6th, 7th or 8th place. I just ran out of shades of pink and space in order to express that correctly. So as Purzycki admitted on election night, he has work to there and across the city in Kevin Kelley’s home base. Another thing that I found interesting is that Purzycki finished third in the southern Riverfront area across the river. I would have figured the residents of Christina Landing would have put him in second at least.

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