Delaware Liberal

My thoughts On Last Night’s… Debate?


Let me start by saying, if Hillary had behaved and said the things Trump said and did last night this election would be over. There would be no spin. It would be done. Talk about double standards. Hats off to her. She did an amazing job. Yep, amazing. She kept her cool and played him like a fiddle. That was no easy task. Don’t believe me? Then you should try debating an unhinged liar who constantly interrupts and interjects like a three year old who missed their nap – one who has no qualms about saying anything. How do you even prepare for that? In every other Presidential debate the candidates prepared by knowing each others policy positions and then pointed out why their policies were better. Trump has no policies.

Trumps behavior was truly unhinged – and he’s continued to behave like a spoiled brat ever since walking off the stage.

“Hillary is hitting me with tremendous commercials, some of it said in entertainment, somebody who’s been very vicious to me, Rosie o’donnell, I said very tough things to her, and I think everybody would agree she deserves it, and nobody feels sorry for her. I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family, and I said to myself, I can’t do it. I just can’t do it. It’s inappropriate. It’s not nice, but she spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue.”

He seems to think he deserves credit for not saying this on stage. He acts like saying this to reporters on TV is different somehow.  Buckle up, because Bill Clinton’s sexcapades are going front and center with the Trump campaign. Not sure how you blame Hillary for this, but I’m sure The Donald will do what he usually does – claim Hillary wasn’t hot enough, thin enough, etc. to satisfy her man. It is his “go to” with women. Kellyann Conway better think long and hard before letting Donald off the leash on this topic. Oops! Too late!

Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, on Tuesday morning said that Trump displayed “great temperament and restraint” by choosing not to mention Bill Clinton’s sex scandals during the debate.

During an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Conway said that Hillary Clinton sometimes looked “glib” while Trump was speaking during the debate before pivoting to Trump’s decision not to bring up Bill Clinton.

“I have to say, certainly as a woman, I appreciated the restraint at the end — I’m not sure I would have been able to exercise it myself — but restraint is a virtue, and it’s a presidential virtue,” Conway said. “To tell Hillary Clinton, after she accused him of being terrible with women, to tell Hillary Clinton, ‘I was prepared to go rough tonight and I’m not going to do it because your husband and your daughter are here,’ that is going to grow in importance over the next couple of days as the moment of great temperament and restraint.”

Notice how – dare I say it? she plays the gender card. Luckily she doesn’t play it well. She claims, essentially, that she would have lost it. It’s mind boggling how out of touch that comment is. Donald Trump calls women pigs, fat, ugly, etc., but that’s okay because Bill cheated on Hillary. See? No difference.

His next whine is classic:

“I had a problem with a microphone that didn’t work,” he said on “Fox and Friends.” “My microphone was terrible. I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose? My microphone, in the room they couldn’t hear me, you know, it was going on and off. Which isn’t exactly great. I wonder if it was set up that way, but it was terrible.”

“It was on and off, and it was much lower than hers. I don’t want to believe in conspiracy theories, of course, but it was much lower than hers and it was crackling, and she didn’t have that problem,” he added. “That to me was a bad problem, you have a bum mic, it’s not exactly good.”

If only his mic was bad. That would have been the best thing that could have happened to him last night.

And then we move onto his latest comments about Miss Universe:

“She was the worst we ever had. The worst, the absolute worst. She was impossible, and she was a Miss Universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as Miss Universe,” he said on “Fox and Friends.”

“She was the winner, and, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem. We had a real problem. Not only that, her attitude, and we had a real problem with her,” Trump continued. “So Hillary went back into the years and she found this girl. This was many years ago, and found the girl and talked about her like she was Mother Teresa, and it wasn’t quite that way, but that’s okay. Hillary has to do what she has to do. I see what’s happening in the polls.”

Watch the video:

Miss Piggy? Miss Housekeeping? Wow. A racist misogynist on full display. The most startling thing about Trump is the way he confirms every accusation against him.

Oh, and he deleted his tweet about climate change being a hoax started by China. And, and, and… he drew more attention to his tax returns, how paying taxes is for suckers, how the housing collapse was good for his business. There’s just soooo much.

But here’s the silver lining. Trump put all of these topics, including the birtherism, back in the spotlight. Hillary got under his skin. She did it by keeping her cool (and let’s face it – she had to keep her cool or else that would have been the only story today), and not coming across as a “scold” or “shrill” Ugh. I hate those terms. And don’t kid yourself, her decorum was under constant scrutiny last night. I kept reading how she was – wait for it – smiling too much. Really? Let’s just agree that there is no correct number of smiles when it comes to women.

So congratulations, Hillary. If you were anyone else the entire country would be in agreement that you buried Trump last night; that you showed that he was completely unqualified to be President (I didn’t even touch on his NATO and foreign policy gibberish) and had the temperament of a toddler. Letting him ramble on and interrupt was perfect – it let Trump be Trump.

So now that you’ve read my ramblings (because, honestly, there’s just too much Trump nonsense to address) I have a question. Does Trump pull out of the next two debates? I’m beginning to think he will.


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