Delaware Liberal

Hensley takes credit for the Infrastructure Funding he voted against.

In a campaign mailer sent to residents of the 9th District, State Representative Kevin Hensley (R) boasted about securing funding for various projects in the district, adding that “he continues to work throughout the district to address drainage concerns, make infrastructure improvements, and address many other issues…”

This is a curious boast, since Hensley joined his House Republican colleagues last year in uniformly opposing a funding bill (House Bill 140) that will generate more than $300 million in new revenue for much-needed infrastructure projects throughout Delaware. This infrastructure investment has resulted in more than 50 new or previously delayed projects moving forward.

Republicans love to do this. Remember Mike Castle voting against the American Recovery and Reinvestmant Act (the Stimulus) in 2009 and then proudly handing out checks that came to Delaware as a result of the bill?

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