Justice Souter warns of civic ignorance and predicts the rise of a Trump like candidate 4 years ago

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016


This must watch clip is from the Rachel Maddow show. Sean Lynn posted it to FB this morning and notes that anti-intellectualism is something we need to guard against. I would add that the “anti-intellectualism” and civic ignorance that Souter laments is abetted by the kind of sham “bi-partisanship” John Carney and other Dems are so devoted to. It is a fetishized bi-partisanship not aimed at solving problems but is intended to muddy the political waters and decrease individual accountability among legislators.

It should be clear to all voters who was responsible for the economic collapse of 2008, for example. It should be obvious to voters which President “created ISIS” through a reckless foreign policy. But it isn’t obvious because we have Democrats like John Carney who are totally devoted to exculpating Republicans in pursuit of “bi-partisanship.”

Skip to about 2:40 to start at Souter’s remarks.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (3)

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  1. nemski says:

    This is an important video.

  2. pandora says:

    Thanks for commenting and drawing my attention here, nemski. I was away and missed this post! It is a very important video.

  3. mouse says:

    Anti intellectualism is a hallmark of right wing republican ideology, campaigns and policy.