Delaware Liberal

The October 27, 2016 Thread

NATIONAL–ABC News/Washington Post–CLINTON 51, Trump 43
NATIONAL–Fox News–CLINTON 49, Trump 44
NATIONAL–Reuters/Ipsos–CLINTON 43, Trump 37
NATIONAL–USA Today/Suffolk–CLINTON 49, Trump 39
NATIONAL–Associated Press/GfK–CLINTON 54, Trump 41
NEVADA–Alliance/ESA–CLINTON 45, Trump 41
NEW HAMPSHIRE–Monmouth–CLINTON 46, Trump 42
TEXAS–Austin American-Statesman–TRUMP 45, Clinton 38
TEXAS–SurveyUSA–TRUMP 45, Clinton 42
MONTANA–Montana State Univ.–TRUMP 43, Clinton 27
FLORIDA–Alliance/ESA–CLINTON 46, Trump 41
FLORIDA–Univ. of North Florida–CLINTON 43, Trump 39
VERMONT–Braun Research–CLINTON 50, Trump 22
MICHIGAN–Mitchell Research & Communications–CLINTON 48, Trump 42

Businessweek on how Trump will dominate GOP politics after the election: “Almost every public and private metric suggests Trump is headed for a loss, possibly an epic one. His frustrated demeanor on the campaign trail suggests he knows it. Yet even as he nears the end of his presidential run, his team is sowing the seeds of a new enterprise with a direct marketing effort that they insist could still shock the world on Election Day.”

“Beginning last November, then ramping up in earnest when Trump became the Republican nominee, Kushner quietly built a sprawling digital fundraising database and social media campaign that’s become the locus of his father-in-law’s presidential bid. Trump’s top advisers won’t concede the possibility of defeat, but they’re candid about the value of what they’ve built even after the returns come in—and about Trump’s desire for influence regardless of outcome.”

New York Times: “Big crowds still mob Donald Trump when he comes to town, with fans waiting in long lines to attend his rallies, where they eagerly jeer his Democratic rival and holler happily at his message.”

“But beneath the cheering, a new emotion is taking hold among some Trump supporters as they grapple with reports predicting that he will lose the election: a dark fear about what will happen if their candidate is denied the White House. Some worry that they will be forgotten, along with their concerns and frustrations. Others believe the nation may be headed for violent conflict.”

Bring it on. It will be great for this country to weed out our deplorables.

“The Republican Party’s grip on U.S. state legislatures could loosen in next month’s election as Democrats seek to link Republican candidates to the sinking fortunes of the party’s White House candidate, Donald Trump,” Reuters reports.

“The bipartisan National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) estimates 18 legislative chambers in 12 states could switch party control, including in Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada, Washington and Wisconsin.”

“In a vintage return to his confrontational style, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) indicated that Republicans could seek to block a Democratic president from filling the vacant Supreme Court seat indefinitely,” Politico reports.

Said Cruz: “There will be plenty of time for debate on that issue… There is certainly long historical precedent for a Supreme Court with fewer justices.”

Then goodbye filibuster.

New York Times: “If the most likely scenario holds — a Hillary Clinton victory, a narrow Democratic majority in the Senate and a diminished Republican House majority — Republicans will have to make crucial and onerous decisions they are now beginning to confront.”

“Do they try to find a way to cooperate with Democrats and get something done after years of stasis in Washington, perhaps as a way to move beyond the Trump phenomenon? Or do they dig in against Democrats and the new president as a bet on a Republican comeback in the 2018 midterm elections, adopting a noncooperative strategy to recapture the Senate majority and pad their numbers in the House?”

Dylan Matthews at Vox with 21 maps and charts that will change how you think about the election. Some notable points:

* Americans are as happy with the economy as they were in 1995
* Americans’ support for foreign trade is higher than it’s been for more than 20 years
* More Democrats than Republicans have favorable opinions of foreign trade
* Nearly 60 percent of Americans oppose reducing immigration

Donald Trump “has stopped holding events for his high-dollar fundraising operation for the rest of the campaign, an unusual move that deals another serious blow to the GOP’s effort to finance its get-out-the-vote operation before Election Day,” the Washington Post reports.

“Trump’s decision effectively turns off one of the main spigots to the Republican National Committee, which collected $40 million through Trump Victory as of Sept. 30. The party has devoted a large share of the funds to pay for its national voter mobilization program to benefit the entire Republican ticket.”

Markos Moulitsas says losing the election is going to be just the start of a string of future failures for Donald:

In two weeks, Donald Trump will lose. He’ll lose big. He’ll lose in historic fashion. He’ll lose so big, in fact, that the only drama left is whether he can eke out a victory in Texas and Utah. That’s how big he’ll lose, going down in history among the nation’s yuuugest losers.

He’ll lose so big, that Republicans down-ballot will go down with him, including some never considered endangered. And he’ll motivate so many hard to turn-out voters, engaging so many of the formerly apathetic, that he will have endangered GOP chances well into the future.

That’ll be fun! But really, that’ll be just the beginning. Because Trump’s entire world is about to crash down on him, and the only question is how he handles things when even a tiny shred of this new reality enters the narcissistic bubble around his head.

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