Delaware Liberal

Bonini one ups Reigle on Mexican Hating

Reigle wants everyone to look at Mexicans crossly, but that isn’t enough for Bonini. He wants everyone to look at Mexicans crossly and make Mexicans wear signs that read “kick me.” As someone who does not watch Fox news, I had to look up “Sanctuary State” on wikipedia to see what Wriggles and Bonini were so hot and bothered about.

A sanctuary city is a city in the United States or Canada that adopts local policies designed to not prosecute people solely for being an undocumented individual in the country in which they are currently living. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce national immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual’s immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning.

For whatever reason, both Wriggles and Bonini have latched onto the imminent doom facing Delaware if they are not elected to keep us from becoming a “sanctuary” for the GOP’s cartoon version of murderous and rapey Mexicans.

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