Archive for October, 2016

Tom Gordon Must Resign at Once

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 45 Comments
Tom Gordon Must Resign at Once

Matthew Meyer has provided evidence of his residency in New Castle County, Delaware for the sufficient time period, according to the Department of Elections. But that is not the end of this story….

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The most powerful ad I have ever seen

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 18 Comments

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I’m watching less NFL, but it has nothing to do with Colin Kaepernick

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 62 Comments
I’m watching less NFL, but it has nothing to do with Colin Kaepernick

Everyone has good reasons for not watching the crap being put on TV by the NFL right now. For me: 2) It has been warm and sunny the last few Sundays. Only a twit would stay in to watch TV on during an Indian Summer. and.. 1) TOO MANY holding fouls called away from the […]

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Justice Souter warns of civic ignorance and predicts the rise of a Trump like candidate 4 years ago

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 3 Comments
Justice Souter warns of civic ignorance and predicts the rise of a Trump like candidate 4 years ago

This must watch clip is from the Rachel Maddow show. Sean Lynn posted it to FB this morning and notes that anti-intellectualism is something we need to guard against. I would add that the “anti-intellectualism” and civic ignorance that Souter laments is abetted by the kind of sham “bi-partisanship” John Carney and other Dems are so devoted to. It is a fetishized bi-partisanship not aimed at solving problems but is intended to muddy the political waters and decrease individual accountability among legislators.

It should be clear to all voters who was responsible for the economic collapse of 2008, for example. It should be obvious to voters which President “created ISIS” through a reckless foreign policy. But it isn’t obvious because we have Democrats like John Carney who are totally devoted to exculpating Republicans in pursuit of “bi-partisanship.”

Skip to about 2:40 to start at Souter’s remarks.

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La Mar Gunn’s FB ad

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 26 Comments


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The October 21, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 16 Comments
The October 21, 2016 Thread

I knew it was going to be a disaster. The Al Smith dinner is a New York City tradition during the quadrennial Presidential Election cycle, a white-tie charity dinner at the Waldorf Astoria where both candidates give what are supposed to be self deprecating humorous roasts of themselves and their rival. Kinda like the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. The dinner benefits Roman Catholic charities but also serves as a civil break in the tension of a campaign. I knew Donald Trump would be a disaster at this. First off, he cannot ever take even the slightest ribbing. He takes ultimate offense at any joke about him because he has a massive ego but is also massively insecure as a man. Second, he hates Hillary because she is a woman and because she is beating him, so it would be impossible to be light heartedly funny about her. His jokes would be vicious and mean.

To be fair, Trump started off ok. And then he went off the rails and just started delivering his stump speech with no jokes, and he was booed off the stage. Rightfully so.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 21, 2016

Filed in National by on October 21, 2016 0 Comments


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The Other Debates last night

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 21 Comments
The Other Debates last night

I am working on getting recordings of the full debate between gubernatorial candidates John Carney (D) and Colin Bonini (R) and congressional candidates Lisa Blunt Rochester (D) and Hans Riegle (R) as speak. I will post them when they become available.

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Having lost the election, Gordon now tries to disqualify Meyer

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 50 Comments
Having lost the election, Gordon now tries to disqualify Meyer

You just knew he could not be a gracious loser, right? Years of authoritarian entitlement and corruption do not prepare one to accept the will of the people, so what do you do? You file suit to have the winner disqualified.

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Charlie Copeland still “fully supports” Donald Trump for President

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2016 12 Comments
Charlie Copeland still “fully supports” Donald Trump for President

After the first Presidential debate on September 26th, Charlie Copeland released a statement saying that Donald Trump won the debate with a performance that made it clear that he should be supported by Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike.

Since that time Trump has revealed the fact that he is a serial sexual predator who feels that his celebrity status gives him the freedom to grab women “by the pussy.” He has supported Russian geopolitical aims, and taken election aid directly from the Kremlin, and last night Trump said that he will keep the country “in suspense” over the question of whether or not the peaceful transfer of power will continue in American.

And yet Charlie Copeland still fully supports Donald Trump for President. That is appalling. It is one thing for Charlie Copeland to have political differences with Democrats, but to fully support a candidate that is attacking a vital tenant of our system, the notion that election results are honored and accepted by winners and losers alike, that is simply appalling.

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The October 20, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 7 Comments

The key tell of the evening: A smiling ectastic Hillary leaves the stage and hugs her daughter and then proceeds to stay and shake hands with all the guests. A dour Trump remained behind his podium until Clinton left the stage (so as to avoid shaking hands with her) and then waiting on stage, looking grim and tired, until his family came up onto the stage to see him. And then he left immediately.

She absolutely destroyed him. And then he destroyed himself. Yes, he gave relatively calm and coherent, although reprehensible, answers in the first 30 minutes. But all it took for him to go off the rails was minor needling by Hillary about his Vegas Trump Tower being made of Chinese steel, his choking in Mexico, his hiring of undocumented workers, and his being a puppet for Putin.

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Joe is going to be back on Delaware’s roads with this thing soon

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 11 Comments


The Secret Service let Vice President of these United States Joe Biden drive his 1967 Corvette when Jay Leno turned up, and the first thing he does is a glorious American burnout.

In a tweeted preview of the upcoming season of Jay Leno’s Garage, Jay shows up to the Secret Service’s training grounds to meet up with Vice President Joe Biden and his 1967 Corvette that he isn’t usually allowed to drive.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 20, 2016

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 0 Comments


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