Archive for October, 2016

2016 Presidential Debate Open Thread (10/19)

Filed in National by on October 19, 2016 37 Comments
2016 Presidential Debate Open Thread (10/19)

Welp. Looks like Trump’s gonna go full Breitbart – Bill Clinton’s illegitimate child?

So… how ugly is it going to get?

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Let’s Talk: A Discussion About Mental Health and Addiction Sponsored by Delaware United

Filed in Delaware by on October 19, 2016 1 Comment
Let’s Talk:  A Discussion About Mental Health and Addiction Sponsored by Delaware United

Delaware United is sponsoring a meeting to discuss the correlation between Mental Health and Addiction, with some discussion of strategies to help. This looks like a very interesting and on point discussion, especially as multiple groups and agencies are working to address the needs around both. Here’s the details:

This will be a meeting hosted by Delaware United to expand the discussion about the correlation between Mental Health and Addiction, and what we can do to help in Delaware.

Our list of guests speakers include:
Trinidad Navarro, Democratic Candidate for Insurance Commissioner
Matthew Meyer, Democratic Candidate for County Executive
Dave Humes, Board Member atTAcK addiction
Denise Bowers, Candidate for Senate District 5

This will be a forum style meeting, where speakers will get to answer questions about mental health and addiction in Delaware, and discuss different positions and ideas that they have for the future.

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The October 19, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 19, 2016 23 Comments
The October 19, 2016 Thread

Politico on how low will Trump go tonight: “Last time Trump suggested Clinton was the devil, said she had ‘hate in her heart’ and paraded Bill Clinton’s accusers in front of the debate stage. And that was ten days ago, when he was doing better in the polls.”

The only thing that is left is the Clinton Murders. He will accuse her of murder.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 19, 2016

Filed in National by on October 19, 2016 0 Comments

Room on the beach for more surf fisherfolk.

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Donald Trump Is Running Some Really Insecure Email Servers

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 4 Comments
Donald Trump Is Running Some Really Insecure Email Servers

This is not surprising when you consider the fact that unless it deals with grabbing p*ssy, promoting his golf course, or basically acting like an entitled ass, Donald Trump seems as intellectually lazy as a marginally competent CVS employee.

Security researcher Kevin Beaumont had a look at the mail servers operated by the Trump organization and found a veritable dumpster fire: systems running Windows 2003 (!), unpatched, badly configured.

His security policy is to depend on the kindness of Putin.

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Colin Bonini’s Weed Legalization Petition is getting a lot of play in and out of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 18, 2016 17 Comments
Colin Bonini’s Weed Legalization Petition is getting a lot of play in and out of Delaware

I heard about Colin Bonini’s weed legalization petition from a friend on the west coast.

“What are your thoughts on Senator Bonini?”

“I like his stand against civil asset forfeiture, but he is going to get crushed on election day. Why do you ask?”

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When Opinions Get It Wrong (Again)

Filed in Education by on October 18, 2016 41 Comments
When Opinions Get It Wrong (Again)

When a Board of Education approves the request for an operating tax increase that specifies exactly what the new revenue will be used for within the District and voters approve it, that revenue shall only be used for the purposes described on the ballot as approved by the voters.

A specific example would be the operating tax increase request from Brandywine School District earlier this year to renovate 3 of their athletic fields with a new artificial turf surface. If it were approved, the revenue generated from the tax increase would only be used to renovate those 3 fields. No portion of the revenue would be included in the ‘local cost per student’ formula that determines the funding sent to charters for each student. Why? Because voters would have approved ballot language that stated an exact use for the money which, in this case, was for 3 of Brandywine School District’s athletic fields. This money, though local operating revenue, would have been a district specific exclusion, as mandated by voters.

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Hensley takes credit for the Infrastructure Funding he voted against.

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 1 Comment
Hensley takes credit for the Infrastructure Funding he voted against.

In a campaign mailer sent to residents of the 9th District, State Representative Kevin Hensley (R) boasted about securing funding for various projects in the district, adding that “he continues to work throughout the district to address drainage concerns, make infrastructure improvements, and address many other issues…”

This is a curious boast, since Hensley joined his House Republican colleagues last year in uniformly opposing a funding bill (House Bill 140) that will generate more than $300 million in new revenue for much-needed infrastructure projects throughout Delaware. This infrastructure investment has resulted in more than 50 new or previously delayed projects moving forward.

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The October 18, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 10 Comments
The October 18, 2016 Thread

Gerald Seib on the two different strategies for the final debate tomorrow: “It’s not unusual for a debate to take on such meaning. What is unusual is the stark contrast in the strategic choices and motivations facing the two candidates heading into the same event.”

“For Republican Donald Trump, the question is whether the kind of scorched-earth tactics he has employed in the last week—full-bore attacks on his opponent and on the legitimacy of the very system by which presidents are chosen—really translate to his benefit in a debate format.

“For Democrat Hillary Clinton, the question is whether to engage in the fight with Mr. Trump as she did in the last debate, or instead pivot beyond attacks and counterattacks to try to occupy some higher ground in the closing chapter of the campaign.”

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The Daily Delawhere – October 18, 2016

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 0 Comments

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No Democratic President will ever be legitimate

Filed in National by on October 17, 2016 5 Comments
No Democratic President will ever be legitimate

Trump is no outlier. It is the policy of the Republican party that only Republican Presidents are legitimate. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested Monday that the Republican party’s months-long refusal to fill a vacant seat on the Supreme Court would extend into the next administration if Hillary Clinton is elected president. “I promise you that […]

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Celia Cohen puff piece on Carney/BHL contains one nugget of genuine info

Filed in National by on October 17, 2016 10 Comments
Celia Cohen puff piece on Carney/BHL contains one nugget of genuine info

I had heard that Ken Boulden was looking at the empty RD seat Earl Jaques would create by moving up to BHL’s vacated senate seat. But Celia says it is down to Jaques or Boulden v. some GOP tomato can for the SD seat. The confidence was so high, the intrigue was already thick at […]

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The October 17, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 17, 2016 102 Comments
The October 17, 2016 Thread

Michael Cohenbegs for an end to the madness.

This take is five days late, but after watching Hillary Clinton at the second presidential debate last Sunday — I am in awe of her. …

Trump called Clinton a liar. He said she had hate in her heart. He told her that if he were president he’d throw her in jail. He talked about the philandering of her husband Bill Clinton and even brought to the debate hall women who’ve accused him of sexual assault. He lied incessantly, about both his own plans and those of Clinton. He sought to intimidate her by looming over her and standing directly behind her as she answered questions. …

And yet, somehow, Hillary Clinton maintained her composure. She didn’t get angry; she didn’t get petulant; she didn’t give Trump a richly deserved slap in the face.

It’s all the more reason to scrap next week’s third and final presidential debate. No person should have to be subjected to what Clinton dealt with on Sunday and, more important, no great democratic nation should be subjected to it either.

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