Archive for October, 2016

This is not a Change Election.

Filed in National by on October 13, 2016 5 Comments
This is not a Change Election.

When the media and Republicans say that this election is a Change Election and that voters are angry, they point to this chart, which shows that an overwhelming majority think things in the country are on the wrong track. Ah, the ambiguous Right Track Wrong Track question. That question always implies that if we are on the wrong track, then that must mean the party in “power” is in trouble, and the party in power is always taken to mean the President’s party.

Well, I am a member of the President’s party, and I think we are on the wrong track so long as we have a Republican Party in control of Congress and a majority of the State Houses, since they cannot possibly govern and they have proven that time and again. And many many Democrats feel the same way. And of course the Republicans will answer wrong track so long as a black man is in the White House.

So it is a bullshit metric that we need to stop using. Especially when you consider that President Obama’s approval rating is at 55% and climbing. So they approve of the job Obama is doing in putting us on the wrong track?

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You’re So Vain

Filed in National by on October 13, 2016 1 Comment

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The October 13, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 13, 2016 64 Comments
The October 13, 2016 Thread

The New York Times tells the stories of two women:

In the days since Mr. Trump’s campaign was jolted by a 2005 recording that caught him bragging about pushing himself on women, he has insisted, as have his aides, that it was simply macho bluster. “It’s just words,” he has said repeatedly.

And his hope for salvaging his candidacy rests heavily on whether voters believe that claim.

They should not, say Ms. Leeds and Ms. Crooks, whose stories have never been made public before. And their accounts echo those of other women who have previously come forward, like Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, who said that Mr. Trump kissed her on the mouth more than once when she was a 21-year-old pageant contestant.

The Palm Beach Post has the account of a third woman:

“All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.’’

And there are more allegations from more women, and a very disturbing CBS video about a young 10 year old girl, below. Trump’s response: More Bill Clinton, who is not running for President, and more threats of lawsuits.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 13, 2016

Filed in National by on October 13, 2016 7 Comments

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It’s Time to Legalize Pot in Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 12, 2016 22 Comments
It’s Time to Legalize Pot in Delaware

Senator Margaret Rose Henry has a bill in draft that she has committed to sending to the GA in January to legalize and tax marijuana sales here. She is proposing it in part to help generate more than $21M in new revenue for the state. I hope that this is money that would be specifically earmarked for Education, rather than the general fund. Still — there’s not much detail yet.

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Reminder! Voter Registration Deadline is this Saturday, October 15.

Filed in National by on October 12, 2016 0 Comments
Reminder!  Voter Registration Deadline is this Saturday, October 15.

I am sure everyone reading this is registered to vote, but if you are not, or if you have family members or friends who are not, make sure you remind them to register at once! It is so freaking easy to register:

You can register online at

You’ll need a driver’s license or other state ID to register.

The site also allows users to change party affiliation, address or name, as well as find polling places and ballots.

Registering in person is at Department of Elections offices:

New Castle County: Carvel State Office Building, 820 N. French St. in Wilmington
Kent County: 100 Enterprise Place, Suite 5, in Dover
Sussex County: 119 N. Race St. in Georgetown

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Utter Bullshit

Filed in National by on October 12, 2016 2 Comments

I will let this video speak for itself. Watch.

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The October 12, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 12, 2016 22 Comments
The October 12, 2016 Thread

The Wall Street Journal says Trump’s new strategy is not to win over new voters to his campaign, but to suppress the Clinton vote: “Mr. Trump, in fact, is trying to use his break with many party leaders as a lever to ramp up support among his base, which includes many voters who feel equally estranged from the party establishment.”

“The decision means that a campaign already marked by intensely personal attacks is primed to grow even uglier in the remaining four weeks. Mr. Trump plans to keep up a relentless assault on Mrs. Clinton, including her use of a private email server and allegations about her husband, former President Bill Clinton, with the intention of keeping some of her supporters home on Election Day, his advisers said.”

“It remains questionable whether Mr. Trump’s strategy can turn around the electoral math.”

I have bad news for Donald. There is not a thing you can say or do to dissuade Clinton’s voters from voters from voting for her.

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Trump Warns: Don’t Make Me Hit You

Filed in National by on October 12, 2016 6 Comments
Trump Warns: Don’t Make Me Hit You

Josh Marshall (TPM) refers to Donald Trump as an abuser. The description is accurate. In The Abuser’s House: By any pre-2016 standard we know, the entirety of angry, blustering manner would be fatal for a presidential candidate. But we’ve been living with this guy for a year and a half. We all have a little […]

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The Daily Delawhere – October 12, 2016

Filed in National by on October 12, 2016 0 Comments

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Pace giveaway hits the right note for Cavs fans

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 1 Comment
Pace giveaway hits the right note for Cavs fans

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Art (from 75 years ago) imitates life

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 0 Comments

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Carney, Bonini to debate October 28

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 24 Comments
Carney, Bonini to debate October 28

Congressman John Carney (D) and State Senator Colin Bonini (R) will have what appears to be their first and only debate at Widener University’s Delaware Law School on Concord Pike in North Wilmington on Friday, October 28th at 8 to 9 a.m. It will be aired live on WDEL, and will also be broadcast on WDEL’s Facebook page via Facebook Live. The public can attend in person at the Ruby R. Vale Moot Courtroom on Wideners’ Delaware campus, but seating is limited to the first 150 people who arrive.

WDEL is taking questions from the public to be asked at the debate. Submit them via Twitter by tweeting at @WDEL.

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