Archive for October, 2016

New Rule: America is Great.

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 0 Comments

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Bobby is Pissed. [Update]

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 3 Comments

Robert De Niro doing his part to wake up Americans.

[Update: I removed the Trump tweet as it was from a fake account that fooled me. My apologies.]

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Pence Turns on Trump

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 15 Comments
Pence Turns on Trump

I cannot think of one vice-presidential candidate that has ever turned on their presidential candidate ever before. Can you?

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Not Good Enough

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 13 Comments

Nemski posted this on our Facebook feed:

The Delaware GOP put out this statement:

The Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party released the following statement this evening in response to comments made by Donald Trump: “I was shocked and sickened upon hearing the 12 year old comments made by Mr. Trump prior to an Access Hollywood video shoot. Our Party is better then what we heard today, and we need to demand better from our standard bearer.”

“Delaware Republicans have worked tirelessly to show all citizens that they have a place in our party. We believe that every human being, man or woman, has inherent dignity. We stand by our efforts to promote individual liberty and economic freedom. We will continue our battle to return Delaware to the successes and growth it had under Republican leaders like Pete du Pont and Mike Castle.”

Not good enough, damn it. Simple condemnation is not good enough. It’s not good enough if the party and all its candidates named above are still going to vote for this man for President. The statement must include a withdrawal of support from Donald Trump and pledges that each Republican candidate up and down the ballot in Delaware will not vote for Donald Trump and they encourage every single Delawarean to do the same. Condemning him and then voting for him is accepting and endorsing him.

Remember Republicans, all of you, you are not victims and Donald Trump’s behavior is not shocking. You voted for and nominated this racist, this fascist, this sexist, this misogynist, knowing full well he was all of those things. You did this to yourself and you did this to our country. You all should be ashamed and you all should suffer the consequences, with the consequences being defeat at the ballot box.

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Open Thread for Saturday, October 8, 2016

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 0 Comments
Open Thread for Saturday, October 8, 2016

Charlie Cook: “Let’s start with the caveats: A lot can hap­pen in the 34 days be­fore the elec­tion. The polls are not as re­li­able as they used to be. People act in un­pre­dict­able ways in the polling booth. All that said, this race has fallen in­to a fairly pre­dict­able pat­tern. When Don­ald Trump veers off mes­sage and Hil­lary Clin­ton per­forms well, her lead swells to 6, 7, or 8 points. When Trump sticks to his script and Clin­ton goes through a bumpy patch as she did with her bout of pneu­mo­nia, her edge drops down to 1 or 2 points, and some­times she winds up dead even. Most of the time, Clin­ton is up by 3 to 5 points.”

“When pres­id­en­tial can­did­ates are ahead by 3 points, they tend to lead by at least a little in a lot of states, and the Elect­or­al Col­lege in­flates their mar­gin of vic­tory. When the pop­u­lar-vote gap gets to 4 or 5 points, more states fall in line and the race turns in­to an elect­or­al rout. It’s only when a race is ef­fect­ively even or with­in a point or so does the Elect­or­al Col­lege be­come truly com­pet­it­ive.”

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 0 Comments

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Daily Delawhere — October 8, 2016

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 0 Comments

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If You Thought Trump Couldn’t Be More Disgusting – You’d Be Wrong

Filed in National by on October 7, 2016 17 Comments
If You Thought Trump Couldn’t Be More Disgusting – You’d Be Wrong

Even more distressing than his words below is his sense of entitlement to women’s bodies without their consent.

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Ever the Chickenshit, Mike Castle Refused to Sign Anti-Trump Letter from former GOP Lawmakers

Filed in National by on October 7, 2016 5 Comments
Ever the Chickenshit, Mike Castle Refused to Sign Anti-Trump Letter from former GOP Lawmakers

Thirty Republicans who served in Congress signed a letter saying they couldn’t vote for Trump in the general election. Mike Castle refused to sign.

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Watch El Somnambulo Tonight at 5:30 and other times

Filed in National by on October 7, 2016 5 Comments
Watch El Somnambulo Tonight at 5:30 and other times

Our own El Somnambulo gets my vote for Progressive of the Year. His coverage of the state legislature is first rate. It is the only Leg Hall coverage I read. When he shines a light into that dank crevasse, legislators blanch with fear and embarrassment. Or at least they should if they were capable of […]

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Open Thread for Friday, October 7, 2016

Filed in National by on October 7, 2016 6 Comments
Open Thread for Friday, October 7, 2016

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), the chairman of the super PAC backing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, has refused to extend the Tuesday deadline for voter registration as requested by Hillary Clinton’s campaign due to Hurricane Matthew, Politico reports.

Said Scott: “Everybody has had a lot of time to register.”

Scott is the Chairman of the Trump’s Florida campaign. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has extended her state’s deadline.

Never vote for the party that does not want you to vote.

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Daily Delawhere — October 7, 2016

Filed in National by on October 7, 2016 0 Comments

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UD Poll: Markell, Denn, Coons, Carper, Carney and Simpler all viewed favorably

Filed in National by on October 6, 2016 21 Comments
UD Poll: Markell, Denn, Coons, Carper, Carney and Simpler all viewed favorably

The UD Poll has released further results on the standings of our current elected officials, and the results are good across the board. Voters view Senator Tom Carper favorably by a margin of 64-17; Governor Jack Markell 62-25; Congressman Carney and 2016 Democratic nominee for Governor John Carney 59-18; Senator Christopher Coons 56-25; Attorney General Matt Denn 47-16; and State Treasurer Ken Simpler 34-10.

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