Delaware Liberal

If Clinton wins…?

…will that mean that she has been acquitted in the court of popular opinion, and Republicans will call off their Jihad against her? And having called off their Jihad,

…will that mean she will be free to “govern toward the center” and continue the consensus seeking/New Democrats/DLC/Third Way course charted by Bill Clinton and attempted by Obama?

Those rhetorical questions are easy to answer. Will the GOP get sane? No. Contending with a clearly insane GOP, will Clinton be the consensus seeker of John Carney’s wet dreams? No.

I’m optimistic that the crucible of this election has battle hardened Clinton and that she will seek to find the allies that Democrats should always be seeking. Liberals, peaceniks, hippies, civil rights, environmental, and social justice activists. She’ll need every Dem vote to fight the Jihad, and she will need to collect some additional Dem votes in 2018. So I don’t see a replay of the “Oh well, we’ll lose the midterms” strategy that Obama employed. I see something much more robust and unapologetically Democratic.

Delaware Dem has his “pie in the sky” electoral college dreams. This is my “day after” dream.

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