What are you seeing and hearing at the polls?

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016


So I voted. Guess who for? LOL. So what are you seeing and hearing out there today. Use this thread to report your voting experiences. And report any problems you encounter out there, whether they be with poll workers, machines, or Trump supporters trying to intimidate voters.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Long lines in the 9th (Marion Profit Training Center). One guy in a “MAGA” hat looking like a fucking idiot.

    In Smyrna a co-worker looked at the long lines and decided to go after work instead of before.

  2. pandora says:

    Just spoke with a neighbor who said the lines this morning were really, really long. I’ll vote in a few hours. I’m really, really excited to vote for a woman for President. It’s a historic day!

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    More people than I have ever seen before at Aldersgate at polls opening. For the two election districts there, there were 50 people in line for each at 6:30 am. Lots of Hillary support from the Love Trumps Hate shirts and pantsuits people were wearing, which is legal since there is no mention of Hillary on them.

  4. John says:

    I had to wait in line at the Music School of Delaware for about 20 minutes – previous elections I’ve walked right in with no wait. There was a Wilmington Police Officer stationed at the door – something I don’t recall seeing before.

  5. AQC says:

    I voted at Woodlawn Library and there was almost no one there.

  6. BellefonteRoss says:

    I was up at Mount Pleasant Elementary School around 7:45. There were some people coming and going, but no line at all – which is normal for there. It’s never taken me more than 5 minutes to vote.

  7. nemski says:

    I didn’t see any armed Trump supporters watching the polls at Lombardy.

  8. DStorm says:

    Voted at Westminster Presbyterian around 9:30.. I have never seen a line of more than 3-5 people there before, even in ’08. Buses of elderly women from the retirement homes near by, all seemed extremely excited to vote, and I can guess for who. I think Delaware Dem may be on to something, between Latino’s, elderly woman, and the Obama coalition i think the polls maybe off. Hillary and the Democrats have some pleasant surprises coming when all the votes are counted tonight.

  9. pandora says:

    I just voted! Surprised by how emotional I was.

    The Parkview had a line at 9:15 and a steady stream of voters arriving.

  10. nemski says:

    DStorm must be DD’s secretary

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    No, my secretary lives in Philly and is apolitical, and has only taken to talking about Trump to annoy me.

  12. DStorm says:

    LOL. I am not, just a big fan of this page.

  13. Another Mike says:

    I was at the retirement home on Governor Printz in Claymont – I live less than a mile from there and couldn’t tell you the name of the place – and it was steady, but no wait. That was around 9:15. It’s a solid D area. I wouldn’t expect any surprises.

  14. I just hope those busloads of elderly women are arriving at polling places all across the country.

    Arden was even more fun than usual. Brooke Bovard had created a ‘throne’ (actually a chair with balloons attached) where you could take pictures with your ‘I Voted’ stickers.

    Also, a food truck. Traffic was normal, but it was after the morning rush.

  15. So this is how STUPID the Trump Ground Game is (Polls are open in AZ from 6:00 AM to 7 PM). I received this email at 8:30 from the Trump campaign…

    Mark —

    Today November 8th all eyes will turn to states like Arizona in the West. Show the country by voting for Donald J. Trump as the next President of the United States! Click the link to find more information about your polling place: https://www.azsos.gov/

    As your State’s Treasurer, I am counting on you to make Arizona proud by voting. Your polling place opens at 8:00 AM. Plan your day around voting for Mr. Trump, so pledge your support here: http://www.thetrumpcontract.com/

    Don’t forget to tell your friends to vote for Mr. Trump, so log into Trump Talk and make calls. I spoke to Mr. Trump the other day, and he challenged each one of his Supporters to dial 100 calls. Those reminders could be 100 more votes. Log in here: https://talk.donaldjtrump.com/

    If you see an issue at a polling place, or even possible voter fraud, speak up, do not keep silent. Call (844) 332-2016 or click here to report the problem: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/landing/election-issue

    Remember, the Polls close at 9:00 PM, so do not miss your opportunity to raise you voice. This country needs a leader like Mr. Trump, not another career politician. Find your polling place at the link and go vote for Mr. Trump in Arizona: https://www.azsos.gov/

    Let’s Make America Great Again,

    Jeff DeWit
    State Treasurer of Arizona

  16. cassandra m says:

    This is going to be a tough day for me. It is the first time in ages I haven’t been doing GOTV for someone. Had to travel to Denver for work so may need to work out a virtual watch party.

  17. Prop Joe says:

    @Cass: I shall tip my pint of Dogfish Head to your Delaware absence at the virtual watch party!

  18. Another Anonymous says:

    There was moderate traffic at my polling place in Kent County at 9:00 a.m., but they said that it was much heavier earlier. There seems to be many more Trump voters down here, so hopefully there is less traffic than normal. Of course, Delaware will not be close for the Presidential election, so turnout here will not change much if anything.

  19. Dorian Gray says:

    Queued up at Highlands Elementary School from 07:00. Missus and I arrived about 20 past and there were easily three dozen people in line. Polling place was pretty organized and we were through in 15 minutes.

    Unfortunately, as we live in the city, I didn’t get the opportunity to play the Dead Kennedys in anyone’s face because nobody turned up in a MAGA hat, but I was prepared to do so. I can tell you I was in no mood for any fascist strong-arm shit. I the immortal words of the late-great Bernie Mac… I ain’t scared of you motherfuckers.

  20. Dave says:

    LEWES-REHOBOTH – Fire Station 3 (RD 14) 8 AM. Steady but not crowded. Poll workers said there was a line first thing. Lots of seniors. Not sure why they felt the need to get there first thing. Some poll watcher types. Looked like mostly Schwartzkopf folks though.

    Felt bad voting straight ticket since I’m supposed to be a centrist, moderate, unaffiliated. Felt like I was betraying my principles. But geez the GOP has put up candidates that I am not embarrassed to vote for.

    I pray for a landslide, not for Clinton mandate, but because the GOP needs to be thoroughly repudiated for their behavior over the last decade. While I may not philosophically agree with many of their policies they used to act in a more responsible manner and I could say with some confidence that they had the best interests of the nation at heart. But not this past decade. There are times when I have been embarrassed to be an American. But that pales in comparison to the embarrassment people like Ana Navarro must feel to be a Republican (http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/07/opinions/navarro-republican-voting-for-clinton/index.html)

  21. anonymous says:

    “Not sure why they felt the need to get there first thing.”

    So that they’ll be ready for the Early Bird Special at 4 p.m.

  22. Mitch Crane says:

    Passed the 50% turnout at 14-02, Cape Henlopen High School, at 11am

  23. Michael Donahue says:

    Voted in north Wilmington at around 9:30, a little busier that usual. No electioneering going on, looked like a fairly democratic crowd to me, I did see a bumper sticker on one car that looked like something to do with bringing back America. Have been surprised at the lack of presidential campaign signs, I have only seen trump signs around here, but only briefly, they seem to disappear overnight. I have heard through my daughter that high school kids go out at night and take them for what that’s worth. Once you go over the canal it’s a different story, all Trump

  24. Jason330 says:

    Michael, I agree that there are tons of Trump signs around, but I doubt they represent a large number of voters. The utter lack of Clinton/Kaine signs down here this year has been noteworthy. At times I worry that it signals something dire, and at times I figure it means that we Clinton folks are going to let our votes do the talking.

  25. Another Anonymous says:

    I think the lack of signs is strategic. There seem to be no Hillary signs below the canal, but many Trump signs. However, I was driving in the Philly suburbs this past weekend and the Hillary signs up there far out numbered the Trump signs. I think the campaign decided to invest in signs, but only where they made sense strategically.

  26. SussexWatcher says:

    It means the Trumpers were giving them away at the state fair – tons of people walking around with them – and the Hillary campaign didn’t even have a presence there. Not a single piece of lit or a sign at the DelDem booth.

  27. Michael Donahue says:

    I looked into getting some Hillary signs but they wanted money for them, I explained that I was already a contributor but that fell on deaf ears. I think that because Delaware was already in the bag for them they didn’t want to spend any funds. Might be a different story if we lived in North Carolina or Florida. My nephew married a Cuban girl last year whose mother worked for Jeb Bush for 20 years, he came to the wedding, actually a nice guy politics aside. They like most Cubans were staunch republicans, but absolutely hated Trump. I saw polling that showed the Cuban vote being almost even.

  28. Jab says:

    Voted at 11:50 at Polytech. There was a steady stream of voters but no lines.

  29. Jab says:

    Question? Are you allowed to wear old political t-shirts when voting? For instance, could I wear Joe Biden shirt? I changed this morning because I wasn’t sure.

  30. Jim C says:

    Voted at Marbrook around noon today. No lines and only two “token” orange disaster signs out near the street.

  31. anonymous says:

    Women on Facebook have secret sites for Hillary supporters. I think the lack of signs springs from the same instinct — why invite abuse from troglodytes?

    No line at Hockessin Memorial Hall at 1 p.m., but a steadier flow than usual.

  32. Jason330 says:

    Not allowing you to have your 2nd Amendment rights when voting at an elementary school is the thin edge of the wedge. Next thing you know they’ll stop you from getting on an airplane with a gun or in the US Capitol.

  33. pandora says:

    I’ve been part of private FB Hillary sites for months. It’s been amazing. Pantsuit Nation is the best!

  34. Steve Newton says:

    Voted at 2:15pm at Cooke Elementary (10-22): the lady there told me that 700 of the 1,200 registered voters in the precinct had already voted. If accurate (and representative of the other precincts in the district) this would mean a turn-out about 15-20% higher than in 2014.

    She also said that, surprisingly, they weren’t crowded 7:30-9:00 but that 9:00-11:30 the lines were sometimes out the door.

  35. Jason330 says:

    A Dem GOTV caller in the 9th said he is finding everyone very receptive. 100% on call list have voted or plan to, and of them, a large number are going straight ticket because the GOP “needs a fucking wake up call”

    If he is right, (and representative of other districts), it could be a big Dem night in Delaware.

  36. Down in “slower lower”, there was maybe 10 people at the Dover Fire Training School (29th State Rep District, 15th Senate District). I drove around to a few of the schools and there wasn’t much turnout. This was around 1pm.

  37. Anyone getting a vibe on the 8th Senate District, Sokola-Chapman?

  38. Paula says:

    North Wilmington – Mary Campbell Center at 2:30 pm was empty of voters, but one of the guys there said it was very busy earlier, way more than usual. He said there were already 200 votes on each of 4 machines, in such a way that told me it was highly unusual to have that count at that time of day (wish I had asked what the usual numbers are).
    No poll watchers at this site, the usual signs lining the drive, including a Trump/Pence and another Republican (Pierce, or similar, I just don’t pay attention).

  39. Jason330 says:

    Wow… The Rick Jensen show is really terrible. I was hoping to hear some Loudel, but Jensen is REALLY awful.

  40. kavips says:

    Now he isn’t… Jensen is great…

  41. Jason330 says:

    Is Jensen doing some kind of wacky Stephen Colbert deal where he acts like a mental defective to illustrate how idiotic conservatives sound? Otherwise, I don’t get it.

  42. kavips says:

    Trump Campaign filed a lawsuit in Nevada because those rapists stood in line for 2 hours to vote after polls elsewhere had closed.

    Case dismissed.

  43. Delaware Dem says:

    Jensen is not acting.

  44. chris says:

    Voted at Del Art Museum at 3 pm…couple people floating in and out…not real busy. Not crazy about my ballot choices this year at state level…ugh!!!! more of the same Delaware Way!

  45. mediawatch says:

    Steady flow at First Unitarian Church in Sharpley around the dinner hour. Traffic outside looked about the same when I drove by between 8-9 a.m. and in mid-afternoon.
    Of course, there’s always some complaining, like this one that a neighbor posted on our Next Door site:

    In the past the voting registration desk was manned by neighbors. This time there were nner city people. Have all the usual people resigned, and no one new to Sharpley wanted to participate? I felt out of place.

    I’m surprised, but probably shouldn’t be, when I read or hear this stuff. But it seems truly out of place when you consider that the mother of a successful African-American actor lives six houses away and the father of a noted African-American jazz pianist lives down at the other end of her street.