Delaware Liberal

It’s On – I’m Sure Trump Voters (And Anyone Who Didn’t Vote Or Voted 3rd Party) Will Be Happy

Via the Washington Post:

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Thursday that Medicare has “serious problems” that would need to be addressed when Congress moves to repeal and replace President Obama’s health-care reform law — a signal that he is willing to immediately enter the treacherous politics of entitlement reform and perhaps break with President-elect Donald Trump.

“When Obamacare became Obamacare, Obamacare rewrote Medicare, rewrote Medicaid, so if you’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare, you have to address those issues as well,” he said in a Fox News Channel interview. “What people don’t realize is that Medicare is going broke, that Medicare is going to have price controls. Because of Obamacare, Medicaid is in fiscal straits. So you have to deal with those issues if you’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Medicare has got some serious problems because of Obamacare. Those things are part of our plan to replace Obamacare.”

Oooh… basically private insurance for retirees! Which, if you had a functioning brain cell, you knew was always the Republican plan. If you voted for Trump, or voted 3rd party, or didn’t vote then you voted for this. No complaining. This was the agenda. Shame our media never discussed it, but, you know… EMAILS and Hillary is untrustworthy!

And as much as I’d like to lay the blame for all of this at the GOP’s feet, I can’t. On this very blog, for months – and even days – before the election we (WE!) were still discussing this nonsense. Hell, liberals/progressives were discussing the DNC and how rigged it is. We Gored (get it?) ourselves because *sigh* we weren’t inspired. Holy crap, aren’t we supposed to be grown ups? Obviously not.

Meanwhile, those manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back (Sorry, Rust-Belt White America, they aren’t – unless Trump and co. turn us into a 3rd world country – which is possible), millions of people will lose their health insurance (But the ACA wasn’t 100% perfect, and we loved, loved, loved pointing that out – Obama didn’t try hard enough!!!! Get ready for all the heartfelt stories about people losing their Obamacare – they’ll bring a tear to your eye.), taxes for the rich will be slashed while the middle class’ taxes will go up (Did anyone actually read Trump’s plan? No? Okay, then.), and entitlements are on the table to be cut. But hey, white people’s feelings were hurt. Honestly, maybe we just got the government we deserve.


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