Delaware Liberal

Lisa Blunt Rochester Statements – The view from Alpha Centauri

I can kind of forgive her because winning her election must be a thrill. But if this is any indication of where LBR’s head is, she needs to wake the eff up – and quickly.

“It is one thing to run for office and it is another thing to govern,” said Rochester “Even in his own party, it remains to be seen how members will fall and will they be supportive of his policies.”

Why is it that moderate Democrats still regard Republicans as some mysterious and newly discovered species? It does not “remain to be seen” how Republicans will act.

Rochester said despite disappointment that Trump was elected, it’s time to end the partisan intransigence that clogs Congress.

“We have a lot of new blood coming in,” she said. “I think that is because there are people that feel they need to start getting things done.”

Respectfully, no. We don’t have a lot of new blood coming in. We have virtually the same Congress. Even your replacement of John Carney doesn’t really mean “new blood” does it? Especially if your worldview allows you to think that Democrats and Republicans are equally responsible for “partisan intransigence.”

With the presidency and both houses of Congress red, she said not undoing progress on liberal accomplishments will require working together. It’s particularly important for initiatives like the Affordable Healthcare Act, which Trump has vowed to “repeal and replace,” she said.

“Obamacare is a perfect example,” Rochester said. “All sides agree that things can be improved. The question will be will those factions try to totally abolish it and if they do, then what?”

If LBR thinks that Republicans are going to “work together” to preserve “liberal accomplishments” then we’ve been living in two different countries over the past year… maybe even two different planets.

These comments are taken from this NJ piece by Xerxes Wilson

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