Delaware Liberal

Stop Slut-Shaming Melania Trump

There are times when our opponents will go low and we will go high. There are times that we will respond with a rage they have never seen. (Not going to happen, but a man can wish can’t he?) But slut-shaming Melania Trump is not a legitimate attack on her or her husband. You are mimicking the same misogynist behavior that other reprehensible people have.

Defending Melania Trump from being slut-shamed and reduced to a “thing” rather than a person, doesn’t mean having to defend Donald Trump if you disagree deeply with his message. He himself, after all, seems to be pushing her body and her beauty as a selling-point.

Ultimately, the nude photos are irrelevant. They tell nothing about Melania Trump’s character or her ethics, and they certainly tell us nothing of Donald Trump’s.

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