Delaware Liberal

Brussel Sprout Derangement Syndrome

We were having this big family reunion and my mother decided she was going to make several brussel sprout casseroles for the dinner. The thing is I don’t like brussel sprouts, but if I have to, yeah, I’ll eat them. I talked to my mother and tried to get her to make her amazing kugel, a noodle casserole that is out of this world. You see the problem with brussel sprouts is that not many people like them, but people love some kugel. My mom argued, and rightly so, that the brussel sprout casserole was much better for people and, that if given a chance, they’d really like it. She acquiesced a bit and added some small pieces of chicken the her brussel sprout casserole. It wasn’t kugel, but it was an attempt in the right direction.

The family reunion came and her brussel sprout casserole wasn’t much of a hit. Yeah, the casserole dishes were empty, but I swear most of the plates were full when thrown in the trash. You know what everyone loved; they loved the chips and dip. You know the chips with the ridges and the fresh onion dip made with the fattiest sour cream. Man, everyone loved that. Yeah, they knew it wasn’t good for them, but they were tired of my mom saying, “Eat the brussel sprouts, they’re good for you.”

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