Most likely you have never heard of the writer Jake Hinkson, but that’s okay. He writes excellent crime fiction that is published by small and obscure book publisher, but that’s not important here. He recently wrote a short political essay entitled The Death of a Moderate: My Radicalization.
I was not born to be a radical. I hate confrontation in all its forms, and I am by nature and inclination a peacemaker. Temperamentally, I’m a mild mannered man who descends from a line of mild mannered men. I like quiet, even solitary, pursuits: writing and reading books, watching movies, listening to music, looking at and thinking about art. I am not a religious man, except in the sense that I think that faith, hope, and charity are the greatest of all virtues, and that how you treat the poor, imprisoned, hungry and sick is a pretty good indication of how close you are to the kingdom of heaven. I tend toward moderation, and I don’t like to see people get upset. So, no, I am not a natural born radical.
But we find ourselves in radical times. The election of 2016 isn’t just another election. I take the President-elect at his word. I think he means to do the things he has said he will do.
This age of rewarded incompetence will not come to an end under Trump, a man whose entire life is a testament to rewarded incompetence. Likely it will get worse, as will, I suspect, most things.
Go ahead and read it. It’s well worth the five minutes it will take you read.