Coons’ smootchy statement on nomination of General James Mattis for Sec Def

Filed in National by on December 5, 2016

The Constitutional principle of civilian control of the military is a bunch of old-timey bullshit in the opinion of Senator Chris Coons. It might be anyway. He is studying it. I wonder what other parts of the Constitution are relics that might need shit canning? It isn’t an idle question because trump’s cabinet is shaping up to be one that will challenge Senators like Coons to decide how much of the Constitution still matters.

“General James Mattis is a serious strategic thinker with an inspiring record of service who has rightfully earned the respect of the American people. He understands that the decision to send our brave men and women into harm’s way is the gravest decision a president will face. General Mattis’ tenure as CENTCOM commander provides him deep experience running U.S. military operations and extensive familiarity with the challenges confronting the United States and our allies. I would hope that General Mattis’ service at NATO signals that the President-elect understands and remains committed to this critical alliance.

“Some of my colleagues have expressed concerns that the nomination of a recently retired former general undermines our country’s deeply held tradition of civilian control of the military. I will consider this argument carefully, but our next president must be surrounded by experienced, qualified leaders who have the courage to provide unvarnished advice. Based on what I know of General Mattis, his record and experience offer a strong balance to the President-elect’s lack of familiarity with foreign affairs. General Mattis is a voracious reader who learns from history and understands the importance of alliances, diplomacy, and other tools of American power and influence. I look forward to digging deeper into the implications that granting General Mattis a waiver would have on our country’s history of civilian control of the military, as well as his record and experience.”

Mad dog Mathis

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Considering a congressional waiver for a bona fide military scholar and accomplished US Marine General to serve as Secretary of Defense is very near the least of my worries.

    I’m not a warmonger, but we have a military. That military should be polite, profession and prepared to kill everyone they meet. That’s what I paid them to do.

  2. Jason330 says:

    That’s all fine. The Constitution doesn’t stop being important all at once, but it reasonable and logical steps.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    I’m not saying this is not “a worry.” I’m saying that in the context of a unqualified clown running the executive branch this is close to the bottom of the list. Conserve your energy for the big battles because we’ll need to fight them very soon I think. At least this Mattis character is very smart and qualified and a serious person.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Big battles are informed by small battles. Not that this is even a battle yet. Just recon.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Fair point. I just think that the resistance is not going to do itself any favors pitching a fit over ever new outrage that leads on the internet. There’s going to be a great deal misdirection and distraction and also twittering over the next several years. Most of these need to be ignored. We can’t die on every hill. Death doesn’t work like that.

  6. Jim C says:

    Alright, we have here an “accomplished US Marine General”? Excuse me, which war did he win? Which country did he save from tyranny? He’s just another saber rattler who thinks that his form of military power can solve all of the world’s problems. He wasn’t
    smart enough to realize he couldn’t win in Afghanistan and he wasn’t smart enough to admit that this was a war that was not winnable! Americans are still dying over there because of it.
    As far as Coons, Jesus is it residual teflon contamination in the water that’s created our Delaware politicians?

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Jim, you are excused.

    You have a very strange standard for what counts as accomplishment. We don’t share it.

    Your contention that Mattis thinks the military can solve “all the world’s problems” is factually incorrect and also seems ridiculous. I’m not sure from where this assertion comes. Perhaps you can enlighten me?

  8. anonymous says:

    I dunno, Jim. He seems less objectionable than most Marine generals to me.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    “He does not fundamentally simplify the world in hard-power military terms,” said Michael E. O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution. And unlike other candidates whom Mr. Trump has considered for top national security posts in his administration, like Mitt Romney or Rudolph W. Giuliani, General Mattis “will have the credibility to tell Trump when a military solution will not work,” Mr. O’Hanlon said.