Delaware Liberal

Open Letter of Apology to Charlie Copeland

Hi Charles,

In the run-up to the election, I regularly singled you out for abuse because of your dogged loyalty to Donald Trump. You really were (are?) a stalwart Trump supporter and I was totally convinced that you would regret supporting such an “unelectable” misogynist, white supremacists, bigoted, homophobic a-hole who showed no signs of being mentally or emotionally equipped for being the President of the United States.

Well, you were right and I was wrong, so sorry about all that bile I was slinging your way for months. You knew something I didn’t know. Even though the odds seemed stacked against you (simply because your party picked an unsavory cartoon character to advance widely unpopular policies), you knew you had the advantage Republicans always hold in any electoral contest. You get to run against Democrats. That keeps every election close and it is a huge advantage that I don’t think we’ll ever be able to match.

So congratulations and sorry for always saying that you have the worst political instincts in Delaware. I’d say that I hope your party uses control of all three branches for good and not for evil, but it has been very candid about its plans.

Humbly and apologetically yours,


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