Delaware Liberal

Carper about to get the climate change fight he’s been spoiling for

This is from Tom Carper’s statement on Trump’s selection of climate change denier and fossil fuel industry lackey, Scott Pruitt to head the EPA:

Over the coming weeks, my colleagues and I will have the opportunity to look closely at Mr. Pruitt’s record. I am interested in examining his vision for the agency, and while I am committed to a full and fair confirmation process, I am troubled by reports of the aggressive stance Mr. Pruitt has taken against the EPA and its efforts to protect public health and the environment during his tenure as attorney general. Let me be perfectly clear: I’m not interested in rolling back the significant progress we have made over the past eight years. I’m not interested in attacking the clean water or clean air standards meant to protect public health or in denying the science of climate change. Any individual charged with leading the EPA who wants to ignore science or look out for special interests at the expense of public health can expect a fight with me. I look forward to the upcoming confirmation process and hearing from Mr. Pruitt directly on these incredibly important issues.

That’s some welcome tough talk, but the proof will be in the hearings. Will Carper’s overweening desire to be seen as the Senate’s consummate bipartisan overtake his newfound desire to be seen as a hero of the environment? I guess we’ll see.

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