Delaware Liberal

Open Thread – NJ Editorial chides lawmakers on stupid antitax stance

The Delaware Democratic Party’s “all tax increases are evil” stance is stupid on its face. John Carney is an idiot to begin his term by removing a discussion of common sense tax reform from the mix of possibilities, instead focusing 100% of his energies on cutting services.

We need to put something together to help push Rep. John Kowalko’s common sense tax recommendations, it is nice to see the NJ waking up to that fact:

As Matthew Albright reported, over the past few years, proposals to raise the gas tax and/or create a new tax bracket for our state’s wealthiest residents have gained no traction.

It’s time to revisit those ideas.

Consider gas taxes in our neighboring states. Pennsylvania sits at 50.4 cents per gallon. Last year, New Jersey boosted its rate to 37.5 cents. Maryland charges 32.6 cents. Delaware could increase its 23-cent rate by a dime and still be more than competitive with the rest of the region.

Our stance is not that tax increases are a must.

But they must not be off the table.

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