If grassroots progressive politics is your thing, especially when you’re part of a group of real cool energetic volunteers, I’ve got just the opportunity for you. Delaware United is in the house! Who, you may ask, is Delaware United?
I suppose I could be churlish (it’s not that much of a stretch) and merely point you to my list of the 2016 MVP’s for Delaware. However, today I feel particularly magnanimous, so I will cut and paste what I wrote:
4. Delaware United.
What an amazing group of volunteers! These former Bernie supporters became in 2016 what the Howard Dean supporters became in 2004. We can only hope that they have a similar impact in the future. Tremendous grassroots activists, tireless campaigners and, let’s hope, future candidates and officeholders. They had a genuine impact this year. And, if you check out their Facebook page, they are going real strong. Uh, not to mention that their strong support of Matt Meyer might well have propelled him to victory. In my opinion, they are the future of the Delaware Democratic Party. Plus, they’re fun to drink a beer or have a glass of wine with. I want more! Actually, time for me to join…if they’ll have me. Which, as it turns out, they will/would:
We are a group of united voters and volunteers, from all walks of Delaware, that has the goal of pushing forward on a path to change our state and point it in the right direction. We are a group that is run on the basis of a well-founded democracy and listens to its members with full transparency from the top down. I would like to thank the people in this group, and ask anyone here to add members, at their discretion, to help grow our group and spread our message. There is no requirement to be a member, no party affiliation guidelines, and no exclusion based solely on the offered support to any one candidate in the past. (a current example: if you have supported Clinton, or Sanders, you are not to be judged solely on that decision, and should not be excluded from the groups proceedings) We all need to come together now more than ever to make sure that our government in Delaware represents the people of Delaware; there are far too many factions of similar groups all trying to do different things to achieve the same goal. We need to win elections to change Delaware to what we, in this group, collectively thinks it should be and to do that we need to work together. Not as Democrats, “Berniecrats”, Independents, or even Republicans, but as a united group of like-minded people who want to be involved with the candidates and local politics. We need to step up, step out, and get involved to change our local politics and make Delaware the state it can, and must become. Not through one-man activism with a megaphone (not discouraging this), but through organized political action and group founded strategies and being the feet on the ground to help make sure that the best people in our state make up our representation in Dover.
Here is the notice of their upcoming first public meeting, which features a Q and A with State Senator Bryan Townsend. I’m inspired by these people. I might just head down to Newark myself. Go! You won’t be disappointed.