Delaware Liberal

Coons’ BFD and I Don’t Care

So Senator Chris Coons accidentally acts like a Democrat and will vote against the Sessions’ confirmation and we are supposed to sing high praises of his bravery and fortitude? Fuck that shit. That’s what real Democrats are supposed to do. This is like expecting your child to behave at school, your spouse not to cheat, and Philadelphia sports teams to loose  — this is how things work. No pat on the back for doing your fucking job, Senator Coons.

Sessions will be our next Attorney General, so it is not a big fucking deal that Coons acts like a Democrat and votes against the confirmation. Coons should be a Democrat ALL THE TIME and vote in the interest of the people instead of in the interest of his corporate backers. Then and only then will I lead everyone in singing Hosannas in Coons’ name.

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