Delaware Liberal

What Fresh Hell is This? for Jan 31st 2017

A Guest Post from Alby Damned

The Trump administration ratcheted up the bully-boy tactics Monday night, firing the country’s acting attorney general for her “betrayal” – telling government attorneys not to defend the executive order banning travel from seven Muslim countries – and telling the 100 diplomats who released an official dissent memo that if they don’t like working under Trump they can quit.
NY Times: Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Who Defied Him


For the nuts and bolts on how this unprecedented showdown between the executive and judiciary might unfold, check out this Slate article. The reporters consulted several constitutional experts:
Slate: Crisis Mode: What happens if Donald Trump refuses a federal court order


Josh Marshall on another story that relies on the word “unprecedented” – the fact that Trump used Congressional staffers to help draft the ban without informing the staffers’ bosses. Even more troubling, he made them sign non-disclosure forms:
Talking Points Memo: This is The Big Story


Reihan Salam, a conservative inclined against Trump, sees the ban as a policy only the racists … er, nationalists will love:
Slate: Incompetent President vs. United Front


For the more apocalyptically inclined, a horrible scenario that I’m reluctant to call “worst case,” since “worst” keeps being redefined downwards.
Reader Supported News: Trial Balloon for a Coup?


The press, both foreign and domestic, has latched onto the idea that Steve Bannon is running the White House, and they’re having little trouble finding sources who’ll say it’s a terrible idea. As this article notes, “One Bannon quote making the rounds this weekend: ‘Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today’s establishment.’ ” Lovely.
Foreign Policy: Steve Bannon Is Making Sure There’s No White House Paper Trail, Says Intel Source


Little noticed in all the backlash is that a majority of 55% of Americans, in a poll before the executive order, supported a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. But this was handled so badly that even some conservatives are steamed, and not just the Koch brothers. Is it fair to say that when you’ve lost Dale Earnhardt Jr., you’ve lost America?
Huffington Post: NASCAR Star Dale Earnhardt Jr. Speaks Out For Immigration


He might be Mr. Brexit, but the British don’t seem to want him. A petition to prevent Trump from meeting the royal family has passed 1 million signatures and keeps climbing:
The Guardian: Anti-Trump petition to stop UK state visit passes 1m signatures


For anyone who thinks Delaware has land-use problems, read up on this plan by the Latter Day Saints to build a city of 500,000 in the middle of Florida’s “last frontier”:
The Guardian: From book to boom: how the Mormons plan a city for 500,000 in Florida

Alby Damned is the nom de guerre of retired journalist and talk show host Al Mascitti. He lives in Hockessin.

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