Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: Jan., 2017

For all you newbies out there (and welcome, it’s great to have so many people who have found us!), this might seem a little, shall we say, self-indulgent. Using this blog to post my favorite songs.

Well, yes, yes it is.  However:

1. Since junior high, I’ve been obsessed with wanting people to hear really cool music. Less threatening than asking a girl to dance and getting shot down.

2. The music covers a wide range of styles, and I hope there’s something here you really like; and

3.  It can’t possibly be more self-indulgent than this.

So. Usually January sucks when it comes to new music. First, because it’s generally a slow month for new releases, plus the songs don’t usually sound as great coming after my Best of the Year list.

Not THIS January. An incredibly rich and varied set of songs, raps, aural landscapes and sonic paintings (aren’t they the same thing?). Plus one that gives me total chills. Try to guess which one. Enjoy!


Phoebe Bridgers:

Told’ja it was a great month.  11 more musical months like this, please.

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