Delaware Liberal

New on Broadway: Patriarchy–a Play


*slow light fade*

Morons everywhere: Patriarchy is a made up construct so feminazis have something to complain about !! (Except it usually comes out like “fuck you, you fat, ugly bitch”–because it’s hard for them to say “patriarchy” and “construct”)

Liz Warren: *tries to read a letter about a man who is nominated for US Attorney General who also happens to be a current US senator*

Senate republican dudes: Rule 19 violation. Rule 19 violation. No one can impugn a senator!!!! Sit down. Even though this rule was more so as a way to maintain decorum when debating bills on the floor to prevent ad hominem attacks and this scenario is completely different because we are literally debating the character of this guy, but we don’t want you to read this incredibly damning letter by Coretta Scott King who wrote said letter to protest Jeff Session’s judicial appointment in the 80’s.

Liz: nah fam, imma finish

Fuckface senator: your speaking privileges are revoked until after the confirmation vote.

Whole world: uh?  Aren’t you guys the same people who were just humping free speech? I mean the president just threatened to remove federal funding over Milo “I’m not a racist, bigoted, Nazi–I just play one for the publicity” and the incident in California?

Fuckface Senator:  “She was warned.”

Women:  The fuck out of my face with that bullshit, you dickless, spineless, misogynistic asshole–oops, I mean “Mitch McConnell.”  She’s a goddamn UNITED STATES SENATOR not a misbehaving child.


IT SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN A PART OF THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD!!! Do you know WHY? Because Jeff “I’m a big ole racist” Sessions, was already blocked from a judicial appointment during the Reagan Administration.

The. Reagan. Administration.

Reagan–the guy who wouldn’t say AIDS out loud.

*Enter stage right* white male who reads the same letter

Senate: *crickets*


It’s still in its early planning stages, but I feel like this is bound to be a hit!!!!

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