New on Broadway: Patriarchy–a Play

Filed in National by on February 8, 2017


*slow light fade*

Morons everywhere: Patriarchy is a made up construct so feminazis have something to complain about !! (Except it usually comes out like “fuck you, you fat, ugly bitch”–because it’s hard for them to say “patriarchy” and “construct”)

Liz Warren: *tries to read a letter about a man who is nominated for US Attorney General who also happens to be a current US senator*

Senate republican dudes: Rule 19 violation. Rule 19 violation. No one can impugn a senator!!!! Sit down. Even though this rule was more so as a way to maintain decorum when debating bills on the floor to prevent ad hominem attacks and this scenario is completely different because we are literally debating the character of this guy, but we don’t want you to read this incredibly damning letter by Coretta Scott King who wrote said letter to protest Jeff Session’s judicial appointment in the 80’s.

Liz: nah fam, imma finish

Fuckface senator: your speaking privileges are revoked until after the confirmation vote.

Whole world: uh?  Aren’t you guys the same people who were just humping free speech? I mean the president just threatened to remove federal funding over Milo “I’m not a racist, bigoted, Nazi–I just play one for the publicity” and the incident in California?

Fuckface Senator:  “She was warned.”

Women:  The fuck out of my face with that bullshit, you dickless, spineless, misogynistic asshole–oops, I mean “Mitch McConnell.”  She’s a goddamn UNITED STATES SENATOR not a misbehaving child.


IT SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN A PART OF THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD!!! Do you know WHY? Because Jeff “I’m a big ole racist” Sessions, was already blocked from a judicial appointment during the Reagan Administration.

The. Reagan. Administration.

Reagan–the guy who wouldn’t say AIDS out loud.

*Enter stage right* white male who reads the same letter

Senate: *crickets*


It’s still in its early planning stages, but I feel like this is bound to be a hit!!!!

About the Author ()

stay-at-home liberal and overall domestic disappointment hobbies include: burning bridges likes: things that burn dislikes: things that don't burn

Comments (35)

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  1. puck says:

    Best supporting actor: Alison Lundergan Grimes.

  2. nemski says:

    @evey, you know whose fault this is? Yours, Warren and all women voters.

  3. Jason330 says:

    It is crazy. On the long list of things I shouldn’t be surprised by, and yet I am surprised by… #97 is MItch McConnell can’t that douche-y. Turns out…Oh yes he can. I think that we have not yet begun to feel the full blown douche.

    #98 is “Republicans can’t really put partisanship above EVERYTHING, can they?” Oh, silly me. The GOP will stick together if Trump takes a literal shit on the literal constitution and wipes his ass with McConnell’s tie. There will be no breaking up GOP unity.

  4. Evey says:

    well @nemski I know who’s fault it NEVER is–yours, jeff sessions, mitch McConnell and all male voters!!!

  5. Alby says:

    No, not all women voters, just 53% of the white ones.

    You can keep ridiculing this fact, or you can come up with a better answer than “It’s the patriarchy!”

    What you can’t do, at least not with any self-respect, is continually misrepresent the fact the better to construct your straw man.

    Yes, it’s a patriarchy. And it will continue to be one as long as most of us remain alive. And the plan of attack that feminists have used to fight against it resulted in 53% of white women rejecting their arguments and their candidate.

    But keep it up, nemski. I’m sure that your withering sarcasm will reverse those losses any day now.

    @evey: He was being sarcastic. I’m the one you want to yell at, not him.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I feel like this thread needs a #notallmen or something.

    Anyway, 100% correct, Evey. Every Dem senator should read the letter on the floor.

  7. Evey says:

    Look, I know white women are THE WORST. I mean we voted 53% for Trump, just like we have EVERY OTHER ELECTION. Hillary did better with white ladies who hate themselves than Obama did by 3%. White women always fall to republicans, just usually not republicans that are actually reptiles–that was new, I’ll give it to you. But white men went almost 70% why are we super pissed at them?

  8. Alby says:

    Sorry, LG, but every time this intellectually dishonest bullshit comes up (and I see it) I”m going to point out that the people who are telling us all about women, and claiming to speak for some majority of them, actually couldn’t convince a majority of white women to vote for one of their own.

    This is another way of saying that such arguments have demonstrably failed, and to pretend that they haven’t is just as much a denial of reality as anything on Fox News.

  9. Alby says:

    @Evey: Who says we’re not? Why can’t you face this fact instead of having to pretend to negate it by pointing out what someone else did?

    As I see it, 53% of the white women are against you, but you spend your time trying to convince not your logical allies but instead their oppressors.

    Mote in my eye, beam in yours. Look it up.

  10. Evey says:

    The way I see it is 54% of women are with me. And I’m not trying to convince you. Your rage and tendency toward lashing out at anyone who doesn’t immediately agree with you is boring and predictable, and just as ineffective as me trying to convince our oppressors and white women that they should support stuff they don’t care about. So we can both be angry ineffective assholes, but we will be angry ineffective assholes together, so we will be miserable in hell hand in hand.

  11. speaktruth says:

    Women are on the march, we always have had to be in forefront. Women are showing their strength all over the country. Trump managed to bamboozle and hoodwink SOME women just like he did white men.

  12. RE Vanella says:

    White women voting for Trump and the fact of the patriarchy are perfectly compatible because they are two separate things.

    It’s like saying the police departments aren’t racist because of black cops.

    Al’s trapped in this idea that the patriarchy is about each individual person and their personal gender and the decision each makes. It isn’t. It’s systemic, like racism. Women can buy into it same as minority cops buying into say “stop and frisk.” Talking about the percentage of women who voted for Trump as a retort against a historical male dominated culture and economy and government is a non-sequitur.

    90% of women could have voted for Trump. It’s irrelevant to this discussion. It’s not intellectually dishonest bullshit.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Alby – I’m not even sure what your point is. You and I have a goddamn beam in our eyes (70% > 53%). We also have real data that shows that 100% of the time that a woman read the King letter during the confirmation debate for Sessions, she was silenced by a procedural maneuver. And 100% of the time that a man read the same letter, during the same debate, in the same 24 hour period, he was not similarly treated.

    I grant that the sample is small, but it is a stark difference in treatment.

  14. puck says:

    Warren wasn’t silenced because she is a woman. She was silenced because of her persona as a very smart and effective critic, and her message was cutting too close to the bone.

  15. pandora says:

    It’s like Groundhog Day. Alby and I discussed the patriarchy, and how it works, on Feb. 6th, but now it feels like we’re right back where we started. If you’re looking for a brief explainer on how the patriarchy impacts women, as well as men, click on the link.

    What amazes me is how quickly we offered sympathy to the white working class (men), how we needed to understand and empathize with them and their fears, while pointing fingers and blame at women and other minorities.

    White women who voted for Trump were called out (as they should have been!) while white men were discussed as sympathetic figures the Dems left behind.

    Minority turn-out was blamed for Clinton’s loss, while white people who turned out for Trump were simply misunderstood – and we needed to reach out to them. There’s been very little discussion on courting people who aren’t white men, and that’s cause for concern – because women and minorities are hearing a message that tells them that they’re the problem, and that issues that matter to them (Even though women/minorities care about the economy, the 1%, minimum wage, etc.) aren’t as important as these other issues.

    The message coming across is, “By working on LGBTQ issues, reproductive rights, racism, etc. – and not solely economic issues – you’re doing it wrong, and you need to stop working on those issues and direct all your efforts to this other issue.” That’s what it sounds like to women and minority groups, but I don’t think it’s what most are trying to say. The message is muddy.

  16. Jason330 says:

    I am sickened by my demographic cohorts.

  17. Ben says:

    The GOP is currently ignoring economic issues and launching an all-out assault on everything not rich and christian.
    These fucknugget white men might be able to briefly see past their forehead fat just long enough to see this. If there is a democrat talking about economic issues, they might change their vote. We however, cannot let up. We have to keep the “typically democratic base” groups awake and aware (the anger will come naturally)
    Then we can get to work unfucking what president bannon and his pig-fucking orange pile of shit puppet will have done. if we’re all still here.

  18. Alby says:

    My point is that nemski took a shot at people who think feminists are not only preaching to the choir, but upbraiding the choir, when they have not shown any ability whatever to effectively get their message out to their own supposed allies. I”m not saying you’re doing it wrong, pandora. The results say that.

    As pandora never tires of failing to understand, I know it’s a patriarchy. What I want to know is why you think pointing it out does anything positive. It doesn’t.

    Yes, Warren was treated abominably. This is a surprise? I’m supposed to get, what, more outraged by misogyny than I was yesterday?

    My point is that this gripe-session bullshit — and it is intellectually dishonest bullshit — accomplishes nothing. It’s more in-bubble ego-stroking, something I thought Blue Delaware’s contributors cornered the market on.

    I posted the comment only because nemski decided to snark on me (and puck, I suppose) before anybody said anything.

    Sorry you little snowflakes are so fucking delicate.

    BTW, Evey, your poorly articulated cries de coeur are pretty boring, too. Was there a point to this one other than “poor, poor pitiful us”? Because if there was, you didn’t make it clear.

  19. Alby says:

    @LG: So your contention is that no other explanation of McConnell’s flip-flop is possible. That there’s no chance whatsoever that someone pulled him aside and explained how bad the optics were on what he did to Warren, so he restrained from doing the same thing to the male senator.

    The fact is you don’t know that. You’re just assuming, using that assumption to whine about the way Republicans treat women, and all that adds up to … what, exactly?

    Is the point of posting about these items to “rally women” to the liberal cause? Because, for umpteenth time, it’s not working.

    Why do none of you want to talk about making your outrage work for you? All you’d prefer to do is yell at me because I’m not worked up about misogyny. And then you wonder why you lose.

    Win over the women or STFU. Until you do, you’re all talk, no action.

    @speaktruth: “Trump managed to bamboozle and hoodwink SOME women just like he did white men.”

    “Some,” in this case, was a majority once you strip out the African-Americans and Latinas.

    C’mon, everybody dance around the ugly fact some more.

  20. Alby says:

    @jason: Do you actually own any big boy pants? Do you ever wear them?

  21. Ben says:

    Sorry that’s what it sounds like, but that is not what is being said. Not even close.
    IIRC, what was said was (approximately)
    “these economic inequality issues that disproportionately affect women and POC are social issues as well, be truly leveling the playing field economically, these issues will be addressed, so even though the bill wont be called ‘equal pay for woman’, it will still guarantee women equal pay”
    — and THAT argument was turned into “BERNIE BROZ HATE LADIES” by the DNC establishment and their ditto heads. The plan failed.
    When are people going to realize the ends are all that matter? All that matters is resisting this fascist government and doing all we can to make sure there is an America left after it is gone. Jumping down each other;s throats because “I” don’t express anger the way “you ” want me to is EXACTLY WHAT BANNON WANTS US TO DO.
    Every person on this comment section who is probably a white man has said “yes, she was shut down because she is a woman and that is fucking horrible” (or something like it). We have all acknowledged a patriarchy exists and it needs to be stopped … But me? Im just an average nobody. I am currently as powerless, if not more so because of my socioeconomic position, than a suburban mom.
    .Add to that, it’s not just you privileged white ladies who are in trouble now. Children fleeing genocide are being turned away, a Klansman WILL be the next Atty General, A nazi is running the WH, all laws preventing companies from destroying our planet are about to go up in smoke….. social justice and equality causes don’t mean fuck-all if the earth uninhabitable.

  22. Ben says:

    Sorry that’s what it sounds like, but that is not what is being said. Not even close.
    IIRC, what was said was (approximately)
    “these economic inequality issues that disproportionately affect women and POC are social issues as well, be truly leveling the playing field economically, these issues will be addressed, so even though the bill wont be called ‘equal pay for woman’, it will still guarantee women equal pay”
    — and THAT argument was turned into “BERNIE BROZ HATE LADIES” by the DNC establishment and their ditto heads. The plan failed.
    When are people going to realize the ends are all that matter? All that matters is resisting this fascist government and doing all we can to make sure there is an America left after it is gone. Jumping down each other;s throats because “I” don’t express anger the way “you ” want me to is EXACTLY WHAT BANNON WANTS US TO DO.
    Every person on this comment section who is probably a white man has said “yes, she was shut down because she is a woman and that is fucking horrible” (or something like it). We have all acknowledged a patriarchy exists and it needs to be stopped … But me? Im just an average nobody. I am currently as powerless, if not more so because of my socioeconomic position, than a suburban mom.
    .Add to that, it’s not just you privileged white ladies who are in trouble now. Children fleeing genocide are being turned away, a Klansman WILL be the next Atty General, A nazi is running the WH, all laws preventing companies from destroying our planet are about to go up in smoke….. social justice and equality causes don’t mean fuck-all if the earth uninhabitable.

  23. puck says:

    I hope Kentucky can find a Democrat of any gender to run and win against Mitch McConnell. Hopefully this time, someone who voted Democrat for President and is not ashamed to admit it.

  24. Ben says:

    The majority of white women (just like white men) hate minorities more than they care about their own equality. Stop defending them.

  25. nemski says:

    Seriously Ben, a majority of white people hate minorities? With that hyperbolic attitude, progressives will get nowhere. You are doing more harm than good.

  26. Alby says:

    I’m not attacking or defending anybody. I’m trying to get people here to stop doing the equivalent of giving out “likes” and to start thinking critically.

    Here’s an excerpt from a Daily Kos story on this by Kelly Macias, a woman of color:

    “It’s easy to assume that this is yet another flagrant example of the racism and misogyny of the GOP leadership; and make no mistake, it most certainly is. But it also suggests something that we’ve suspected all along—that the Republican leadership is absolutely scared shitless of Elizabeth Warren.”

    In other words, exactly what Puck said, and of more value as analysis than pointing out that GOP Republicans are atavistic on women’s equality. Also, too, one would hope that people here are sophisticated enough to understand the fund-raising value to GOP politicians of challenging the GOP’s most implacable critic — a value that isn’t there with Merkley or Udall.

    I will say this yet again, in the hope that this is the time it will penetrate: Knowing that we live in a patriarchy, and constantly telling men about it, isn’t working the way you apparently think it is. It might pay off in 30 years, when the people learning this in college are running the country, but it won’t pay off in my lifetime. Meanwhile, I’d like to find some strategies that WILL work in my lifetime so I don’t die under fascist rule.

  27. Ben says:

    Then why did most white people vote for the Klandidate? The entire election came down to identity politics. KNOWING he would take away their rights to decide what to do with their bodies, 53% of WW voted for the guy who said “bad hombres”.

  28. liberalgeek says:

    Alby – So you think that McConnell didn’t know what he was doing when he red-carded Warren? Is McConnell some sort of noob in the Senate? He knew what he was doing. It played well to his base of support (70% of white men and maybe 53% of women). He knew what he was doing and when a man did the same thing, he was daring McConnell to do the same, and he didn’t. So we call him on his BS. That’s what we do. Otherwise, it goes unnoted and the next time they do the same thing.

    But let’s not pretend that it is just the women that are preaching to the choir. EVERY ONE OF US HAS A DEAD HORSE THAT WE BEAT. Yours seems to be that women have to solve their own problems (oh, and you’re doing it wrong ladies). Puck’s is jobs being taken by H1-B immigrants. Jason’s is wishy-washy Democrats that Delaware sends to Dover and Washington. But when a woman brings their dead horse (I am not using that pejoratively) it’s all “You wimminfolk don’t get it!”

    I wonder why this place is turning into a sausage party…

  29. Alby says:

    Yes, we have come to the same conclusion. But as I explained, I seriously doubt it’s a case of misogyny overcoming tactics. As one pundit noted, it’s the sort of win-win scenario we get in a hyper-partisan atmosphere, and we can expect more of it.

    Just so you’re clear on this, the story wasn’t reported as it was because they silenced a woman but let two men read on. It was reported because of the lack of decorum involved, which until now has been unusual for the Senate.

    So my basic complaint here isn’t about women and how they vote. It’s that the post added nothing to the discussion about politics. Men disrespecting women is political only in the way that all other human behavior is political.

    My axe on this issue is one of dozens I keep sharpened. I would express it as “stop telling me about it and do something about it, and telling me about it again doesn’t count as doing something.”

    Pandora has been repeating the same textbook passages at me for years, as if I can’t possibly understand what she’s saying or I’d agree with it wholeheartedly. My position is apparently beyond her comprehension: Labeling a problem is vastly different from devising a strategy for solving it.

    If the alternative to a sausage party is holding consciousness-raising sessions about misogyny, bring on the links.

  30. Alby says:

    Also unmentioned until now on this thread: How much bad press this is generating for the Republicans. This is the sort of thing that could flip the script so that white women stop voting against their own interests so consistently.

  31. nathan arizona says:

    i dislike trump the most, by far. i dislike tea-party republicans second most. but sometimes i dislike some progressives third most. their fixations can hamper the fight against the budding fascist regime. those female trump voters weren’t sold on the women’s issues. so democrats lost (and for other reasons too); remember, we didn’t need all that many votes. we should have had something for them that they were more interested in — but equally anti-trump. this calculous works for the resistance, too. would you agree to have trump accomplish everything else he wants if he gave you what you want on women’s issues? theoretically, of course, since it would never happen.

  32. mouse says:

    I’m a trail blazer in my cohort of over 50 old white men who didn’t vote for the reality show host

  33. Alby says:

    For those actually interested in the topic, here’s an intelligent treatment from the Atlantic’s Megan Garber.

    Nevertheless, she persisted.

  34. mouse says:

    She should stand up in the senate and say “Hey you old white bigoted misogynist pigs, I got the CEO of wells Fargo fired and I’m coming after your lame assess next”!

  35. Christopher says:

    Is this play going to star a Muslim?