Delaware Liberal

Put some heat on John Carney by helping fund this campaign is awesome. Read all about our efforts to put John Carney’s feet to the primary fire, and make a small pledge to get us started.

Here is what we say at Crowdpac:

Why you should support this campaign

John Carney, the Governor of Delaware, has taken the possibility of tax increases for the state’s wealthiest corporations and individuals off the table. Instead, he has stated that balancing the state budget must be accomplished by cutting service. This solution is horrifying and we will not stand for it!

We are asking that you pledge today to start building momentum for a primary challenge to John Carney. Pledge today and your card will not be charged until a legitimate primary challenger has registered. At that point, all of your donations will go towards his opponent in the 2020 election.


One of the biggest obstacles to mounting a primary challenge to an incumbent corporatist Democrats is the lack of a fundraising apparatus. allows us to get a running start and build up some momentum. Donate today and a little more everytime John Carney throws teacher’s under the bus and before you know it we’ll be ready to take him on in 2019.


The goals are twofold.

1) Get 500 people give just $25 each. That means a legitimate primary challenger will start off with $12,500 and a list of 500 potential volunteers. and…

2) As the campaign grows John Carney will know that he is being watched and when he continues to advance the goals of the Chamber of Commerce with no regard for the working Delawareans he will get immediate negative feedback.

Spread the word and contribute today. Delaware can’t afford to have John Carney continue to coddle the wealthiest among us.



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