Delaware Liberal

“Surf fishermen” win Delaware beach access clash

A coalition of 14 communities pooled their resources to hire Tim Willard, a Georgetown attorney, and lobbyist, Joe Conaway to press for some reasonable sounding limits on beach truck traffic. The communities lost.

The coalition asked the state to create “no parking” or “pedestrian only” zones in 100-yard-wide swaths of beach adjacent to 10 crossover boardwalks. It outlined its concerns in a Feb. 7 letter to Gov. John Carney and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Secretary David Small.

Last week, the head of the Delaware State Parks system, which manages the two parks, rejected the group’s request for relief.

“We’ve always seen those beaches as multi-use beaches,” Ray Bivens said in an interview. “It’s first-come, first serve. We just ask people to respect each other.”

Surf fishing advocates described the decision as a victory for public beach access.

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