The Few. The Proud. The Disgraceful.
From the attached NY Times story:
Now the Defense Department has opened a criminal investigation and the Marine Corps is facing its latest unwanted controversy after it was revealed over the weekend that a secret online Facebook group of active-duty and veteran Marines shared thousands of naked and private photos of Marine Corps women.
The invitation-only group, called Marines United and made up of more than 30,000 active duty Marines and veterans, built online dossiers on Marine women without their knowledge or consent, listing dozens of women’s names, ranks, social media handles and where they are stationed.
For a more graphic, and more comprehensive, recounting of the disgraceful behavior, this story is recommended. It’s really sickening.
Which raises the question: Are the Marines a bunch of degenerates? Can there be a Marine Corps w/o a bunch of degenerates? And, of course, will Donald Trump grant them blanket pardons as long as they send the pictures along?