Here, Um, Come the Marines

Filed in National by on March 7, 2017

The Few. The Proud. The Disgraceful.

Turns out that there’s an invitation-only all-male Facebook site called Marines United, 30,000-plus members, that posts nude and compromising pictures of female Marines with all kinds of comments, including invitations to rape:

From the attached NY Times story:

Now the Defense Department has opened a criminal investigation and the Marine Corps is facing its latest unwanted controversy after it was revealed over the weekend that a secret online Facebook group of active-duty and veteran Marines shared thousands of naked and private photos of Marine Corps women.

The invitation-only group, called Marines United and made up of more than 30,000 active duty Marines and veterans, built online dossiers on Marine women without their knowledge or consent, listing dozens of women’s names, ranks, social media handles and where they are stationed.

For a more graphic, and more comprehensive, recounting of the disgraceful behavior, this story is recommended. It’s really sickening.

Which raises the question: Are the Marines a bunch of degenerates? Can there be a Marine Corps w/o a bunch of degenerates? And, of course, will Donald Trump grant them blanket pardons as long as they send the pictures along?


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  1. pandora says:

    This isn’t about naked pictures. The internet is full of those, so these guys have all the access to porn they could want. This is about power and humiliation of women marines. This is about working with these women and snickering behind their backs – lessening them professionally. I’ve been working on a post about this, but I keep getting so disgusted I walk away from my computer.

  2. Jason330 says:

    “Can there be a Marine Corps w/o a bunch of degenerates?”

    The experiences of other countries with gender-integrated militaries point to yes. We’d need a culture shift to create group cohesion around something other than creating status through humiliation, but it can be done.

  3. CinqueB says:

    Jason, Don’t kid yourself and talk down the Military. Most Countries were amazed to see women in the Military. The running joke was, The Americans are so rich they can bring their “Boom Boom Girls” with them. We are not far behind the most progressive.

  4. Alby says:

    Let me get this straight: It’s 30,000 people, all of whom are there by invitation?

    Least. Exclusive. Club. Ever.

    Also, too, if they extend an invitation to Trump, he’ll pardon them all.

  5. Yep, 30,000 people. All males, all Marines, Marine veterans, and British Royal Marines.

    No Girls Allowed.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Poor CinqueB, ignorant of the thousands of years women have been part of the military in some seriously warrior nations and states. I heard a piece on NPR today about it, the issue is the comments posted on the pictures which are apparently over the top derogatory, nasty and mean spirited. Where the pictures came from was not stated, I assume most were stolen, but it certainly casts the Marines in a bad light.