Delaware Liberal

Tell Carper and Coons to vote NO! on Gorsuch cloture

This morning contributor R.E.V hand-delivered the following letter to the Wilmington office of Senator Carper. Later this week he plans to make a similar trip to Coons with other members of the DL subgroup formed to being the resistance to Senators Carper and Coons doorstep.

Senator Carper,
We understand that you previously voted to confirm Neil M Gorsuch to the federal bench in 2006. Under more stable political circumstances we may understand your consideration of Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court. I think you would agree that this is not a stable and safe political environment. Considering that Merrick Garland was not even given a proper hearing we strongly urge you to resist any effort to confirm Judge Gorsuch. This includes not providing your vote for cloture and voting no on confirmation should a filibuster be broken.

We appreciate that this could be described as “obstructionist.” This is unfortunate but necessary. The federal government is quickly deteriorating into a dangerous embarrassment. Total obstruction is the only appropriate response. This is what we expect.

Best regards,

(It was signed by the DL sub-group formed to take the resistance directly to the offices of Senators Carper and Coons)

If you’d like to join that group and help make trips to the offices of Tom Carper and Chris Coons comment below. If you can’t do that at least call their offices and ask them to vote no on cloture.

Coons Wilmington: 302-573-6345
Carper Wilmington: 302-573-6291

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