Delaware Liberal

The Derp State

I wondered what Draco Malfoy was doing yesterday asking Comey questions. Turns out that was Trey Gowdy being his regular Republican asshole self. Republicans like Gowdy are not elected to govern. they are elected to fuck shit up. Gowdy was doing his damnedest to fuck up those hearings yesterday. Muddy the waters. Give the wingnut press some molehills with which to build mountains of outrage among their empty headed subscribers and listeners. If you edited the Republican portions out of the hearings and listened to the Democratic and Republican sections separately, you’d never guess they were taking part in the same hearings…on the same day…on the same continent… during the same century.

When you think about it, Trump wasn’t elected to govern “The United States of America,” he was elected to fuck shit up in a country that only exists in the right-wing’s imagination. He is applying himself to that task with alacrity, and the results are splashing onto us here in reality. Steve Bannon, the most powerful man in Trump’s White House has a “disturbing history of bigotry, nihilism, and apocalyptic delusions” should not be allowed within 1,000 miles of power and yet, there he is. We are not Bannon’s fellow citizens. We are mere bystanders in the vicinity of the GOP’s mental breakdown trying to avoid random kicks and punches.

The fact that Democrats can’t compete with a party that openly stands for utter chaos and insanity goes to show how deeply damaged the Dem brand is. Americans have decided that they’d rather live in a burning house than have to listen to the Dem’s powerpoint presentation on why burning down your own house is bad for piping plovers. “Yes, the house is filling with smoke, but JEEZ those Dems and their soulless powerpoint presentations…OMG, BORING!”

So where does that leave us? Some Beurocrats like Comey have to advance the ball begrudgingly. I was wrong when I said that Comey wouldn’t make any news. Comey seems to have some dim memory of what the Government is supposed to do. Where was that MEMORY WHEN HE WAS SABOTAGING Hillary Clinton? Wouldn’t we all like to know? But that was 100 years ago. Now Comey is part of what Rush Limbaugh calls “The Deep State.” Rush and the legion of right-wing ventriloquist dummies, each with a hand in the back hole, operating the mouth function of the dummy one in front of it, say that Comey is now taking part in a coup.

Maybe he is. If having a puppet installed in the White House by Russia isn’t grounds for a coup, what is? And if the Democrats can’t get their shit together now… at long last, what choice does Comey have?

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