Delaware Liberal

Coons pursues a downright horrible deal in the name of “moderation”

Politco reports that your representative in the US Senate, Chris Coons, is in talks to cut the worst deal in the history of the Senate, by voting for Cloture on Gorsuch in exchange for a Republican “promise” to not eliminate the filibuster on a future Supreme court nomination.

The deal Democrats would be most likely to pursue, the sources said, would be to allow confirmation of Gorsuch in exchange for a commitment from Republicans not to kill the filibuster for a subsequent vacancy during President Donald Trump’s term.

How does Chris Coons still think that he is NOT dealing with bad actors? He seriously can’t be this guileless. That is only the beginning of how stupid Coons’ plan is, though. This deal is Coons trading something (a yes vote for Gorsuch) for nothing (a promise NOT to do something). It is idiotic on its face.

Coons Wilmington: 302-573-6345
Carper Wilmington: 302-573-6291

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