Carney Channels Trump’s Mick Mulvaney

Filed in Delaware by on March 24, 2017

Delaware non-profits are on alert as Gov. Carney starts looking at cutting funds for domestic abuse victims. Carney might as well start talking about compassion for Greenville Democrats. Disgusting.

Agencies that provide shelter and services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims are among those who face funding cuts in Gov John Carney’s proposed budget cuts.

That’s bad news since those services are highly subsidized by federal and state contracts and other public dollars.

Gov. Carney is proposing to save nearly $600,000 in the state budget through cuts to groups in the First State that receive state “pass through” funding. Those dollars are earmarked for certain non-profit agencies in the state’s general fund.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. This is a disgrace. It’s what happens when the governor is a bean counter who thinks only in terms of mathematical formulae rather than human costs.

    He MUST retreat on this. In fact, I see no way that the General Assembly will go along with this.

  2. Jason330 says:

    His constituents are the executive committee of State Chamber of Commerce. He cannot make that point any more clear.

  3. puck says:

    Some of the reactions reported by WDEL were surprising. Baumbach doesn’t sound ready to hold out for new tax brackets. Lopez on the other hands sounds like he might vote for this budget.

    Some of the more egregious cuts, like the Education Sustainment Fund, or senior property tax abatement, exist only to avoid having to raise taxes on the upper brackets.

    The point of an upper bracket increase is that some of those kinds of cuts could be restored.

  4. chris says:

    Greenville LOVES John Carney! Maybe he will start hanging at Jansens now.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Baumbach is a fan based on the notion that the elimination of itemized deductions will bring some progressivity. Why bother with a rube-goldberg solution when you can mandate progressivity outright? Also, why give away your best negotiating tool PRIOR TO NEGOTIATING?

  6. nemski says:

    I laugh at Centerville peeps who spell their town “re” and not “er”.

  7. speaktruth says:

    Seniors are already underwater…living hand to mouth. More property taxes on seniors means more seniors unable to stay in their homes. What an outrage by this Governor…cuts to disabled community, elderly and poor mean abuse, neglect but what the hell they are just “useless eaters” anyway.

  8. Alby says:

    @nemski: “Centreville” was the stylebook spelling for at least the last 20 years of my time at TNJ.

  9. Jersey says:

    Seniors I talk to are moving south to warmer weather and lower taxes, kids are leaving for other states because they do not want to become automons working at Amazon. The Corporate tax increases will move incorporation to Nevada which has very competitive pricing. What does that leave Delaware with?

  10. jason330 says:

    The nation’s best Superfund sites?

  11. john kowalko says:

    Hope that’s where you live since you haven’t an inkling of what you’re talking about. There are no corporate tax increases proposed there is proposed a lifting of the maximum tax cap that companies/corporations/public firms incorporated in Delaware with “MORE THAN $750M IN REVENUE OR ASSETS AND NO LESS THAN $250M IN REVENUE OR ASSETS” currently enjoy and avail themselves of. Take your uninformed false-alarmist attitude with you back to Jersey or better yet to Nevada.

    Representative John Kowalko

  12. Alby says:

    “The Corporate tax increases will move incorporation to Nevada which has very competitive pricing.”

    Your ignorance is showing. Low fees have nothing to do with why big corporations use Delaware. The price per year is on a par with a division manager, which is sofa change for Fortune 500 companies.

    If it’s small-time incorporations you’re talking about, yeah, they’d be vulnerable on that level, but it’s peanuts relatively speaking, and anyway nobody is talking about upping the fees for the small fry.