John Carney Address Live Blog
Some procedural crap going on now. Passing motions to enable the session, etc. BTW – this is going out live on FB. All of my observation will go in the comments section below.
Some procedural crap going on now. Passing motions to enable the session, etc. BTW – this is going out live on FB. All of my observation will go in the comments section below.
Poor Stephanie Hansen just choked and introduced Gov Markell. Ouch!
Carney calls BHL “Lt Gov Denn”
Carney starts by saying that there is a fiscal crisis. – The state has plenty of money, it is just being hoarded by a handful of very wealthy families. Tax the top 2% and this budget “crisis” goes away.
“The only way to go is to grow the economy” What bullshit
feed stopped.
State GDP has nearly doubled in 20 years. Yet here we are. No need to wonder why. It was on the last episode of Hoarders.
Consider yourself lucky.
Freudian slip by Hansen maybe.
Fun little anecdote. I was making the calls today for HB110 (POT, YO!) and the phone number for Sen Hansen on the webpage actually takes you to BHL’s desk.
I kid you not.
Had a pleasant conversation with the Lut Gov herself, where she said she 1) would talk to someone about updating the state webpage…. and 2) (this is the exciting one) said she supported HB110!! great to hear. Let’s hope Gov Carney bucks the Sessions/Trump agenda as well.
Taxing the top 2% any higher would be a major mistake and John knows it.
I’m sure the top 2% are gratified to have a broke ass dummy like you sticking up for them
watch it here –
The speech was so bad…Carney stumbled over his words, total monotone and same old blah, blah. He says we need ‘economic growth.’
Dog Bites Man: The Chamber loved it.
Utterly uninspiring. Not a single new item. We’re in for four years of government by task force and commission. His staff actually let him go up there with that speech? I was ready for him to get into the good stuff when he said God Bless etc.
And for chrissake, somebody tell the man to stop licking his lips. Looked like a tweaker up there.
Carney is definitely working with State Chamber to, in his words, “tweak” the Coastal Zone Act….will be curious to see how many Dems go along with that one ?
It’s difficult to deliver inspiring remarks when you stand for nothing.