Archive for March, 2017

Keep the Hansen mojo going by supporting Andrea Kreiner

Filed in National by on March 6, 2017 3 Comments
Keep the Hansen mojo going by supporting Andrea Kreiner

The next opportunity for Democrats to rebuke Republicans is the March 21st special election for Kent County Levy Courts’s 2nd District. The Dems are running Andrea Kreiner, who sounds like an honest to goodness Democrat, and a great addition to the Democratic bench. Check out Kreiner’s material here, which includes a nice long interview with WDDE. If she looks legit to you, kick in $10.01 and DL will match all $10.01 donations up to $100.00.

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‘Bulo on WHYY First

Filed in Delaware by on March 6, 2017 2 Comments

For those of you who don’t believe that I have a face for radio, let me prove it. I AM, however, getting better at cramming a lot of stuff into six minutes. Here’s the show that aired this past Friday. I’m in the second segment:  

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Eric Raser-Schramm gives “Flippable” props for Hansen win

Filed in National by on March 6, 2017 5 Comments
Eric Raser-Schramm gives “Flippable” props for Hansen win

Victory has a thousand fathers, so it is not surprising that the useless DNC and UTTERLY useless DLCC both stepped up to claim some credit for the Hansen win the SD10 special. Hansen’s campaign manager, however, points to the contribution of the start-up grassroots organizing group “flippable” as deserving praise: “I would go out on […]

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The Republican President is nuts; Coons and Carper cannot continue to be spectators

Filed in National by on March 6, 2017 9 Comments
The Republican President is nuts; Coons and Carper cannot continue to be spectators

Call it whatever you want, but this weekend’s news marks a shift. The Republican President is insane, out of one’s mind, deranged, demented, crazed, lunatic, non compos mentis, unhinged, not right in the head, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, loony, bananas, loco, not all there, out to lunch, crackers, nutso. IN ADDITION to that, he is a known espionage agent of the Russians.

Chris Coons and Tom Carper have a responsibility as United States Senators to act. History will judge them by what they do in the next few weeks and months to protect the United States from this administration.

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March 6, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 6, 2017 0 Comments
March 6, 2017 Open Thread

Untaxed cigarette arrest, Fight against drug addiction, BLM and Prisons, Dover’s Homeless, Space suits

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March 5, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 5, 2017 0 Comments
March 5, 2017 Open Thread

Delaware Beaches, Day Care Abuse, Correction Problems, Prom Dresses, Deer Harvest

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Trump’s Administration has more McCarthyism in it than he knows

Filed in National by on March 4, 2017 3 Comments
Trump’s Administration has more McCarthyism in it than he knows

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March 4, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 4, 2017 2 Comments
March 4, 2017 Open Thread

Pagan Prayers, Killer Road, Delaware Darwin Award, Jobs

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Putin Starting to Wonder If His Puppets Are Smart Enough to Pull This Off

Filed in National by on March 3, 2017 4 Comments
Putin Starting to Wonder If His Puppets Are Smart Enough to Pull This Off

MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Russian President Vladimir Putin is “starting to get concerned” that the puppets he installed in the executive branch of the U.S. government “might not be up to the task at hand,” sources confirmed on Tuesday. According to the sources, the flameout of the national-security adviser Michael Flynn was only the most recent […]

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Tom Carper Fine With Sessions Staying On & Conducting Russia Investigation

Filed in National by on March 3, 2017 25 Comments
Tom Carper Fine With Sessions Staying On & Conducting Russia Investigation

A BIPARTISAN collection of 41 members of congress went on record calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the investigations of Russian influence within the Trump White House. Super-Bipartisan, Tom Carper was not a part of that group.

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Delaware Police Say No To The Republican President

Filed in Delaware by on March 3, 2017 11 Comments
Delaware Police Say No To The Republican President

Deleware Public Radio is reporting that several Delaware police agencies will not be participating in illegal immigrant sweeps. Delaware locals like Georgetown’s Chief of Police R. L. Hughes says he personally doesn’t want his officers involved with immigration enforcement. “Immigration is a federal – something that a federal agency should be handling,” Hughes said. “That […]

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Occasional Words from the Resistance

Filed in National by on March 3, 2017 0 Comments

…from the desk of R.E. Vanella.


This is dedicated to a friend. Thanks for the email. I needed a bit of a push this week.


“I too entered the Lager as a nonbeliever, and as a nonbeliever I was liberated and have lived to this day. Actually, the experience of the Lager with its frightful iniquity confirmed me in my nonbelief. It has prevented me, and still prevents me, from conceiving of any form of providence or transcendent justice… I must nevertheless admit that I experienced (and again only once) the temptation to yield, to seek refuge in prayer. This happened in October 1944, in the one moment in which I lucidly perceived the imminence of death… naked and compressed among my naked companions with my personal index card in hand, I was waiting to file past the ‘commission’ that with one glance would decide whether I should go immediately into the gas chamber or was instead strong enough to go on working. For one instance I felt the need to ask for help and asylum; then, despite my anguish, equanimity prevailed: one does not change the rules of the game at the end of the match, nor when you are losing. A prayer under these conditions would have been not only absurd (what rights could I claim? and from whom?) but blasphemous, obscene, laden with the greatest impiety of which a nonbeliever is capable. I rejected the temptation: I knew that otherwise were I to survive, I would have been ashamed of it.”

—-Primo Levi, The Drowned and the Saved, 1986


I’m only dealing with people now. Not anonymous characters. I have an interesting idea that I’ll be sharing with the email group. So if I know you, and I have your email address, you will likely be seeing a message from me over the weekend.


I’m trying to be creative and effective and efficient. As is its tendency, time will tell.

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March 3, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 3, 2017 6 Comments
March 3, 2017 Open Thread

William Penn High School, the Bidens, Weather, Prison Guards, Indian River School District, HhGregg, University of Delaware

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