Archive for March, 2017

When Bad Things Happen To Relentless Trolls

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 2, 2017 3 Comments

Enjoyed coming home to spot the ongoing attempt to discredit my story.  24 hours and counting. So, I’m gonna do something I rarely do. I’m gonna admit that something I wrote might have been wrong.  In fact, please allow me to share this ‘tip’ from a Troll Tipster: El Som, Your research and sources are […]

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In Delaware Hindu is Runner Up

Filed in National by on March 2, 2017 1 Comment
In Delaware Hindu is Runner Up

We are an outlier among North Eastern states where Judaism is the runner up.

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Governor Two-Face Strikes Again

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2017 5 Comments
Governor Two-Face Strikes Again

The other day Governor Two-Face signed an executive order to end racism, discrimination in state government. This is good, very good. That same day, Governor Two-Face refused to financially support early childhood education in Delaware. This is bad, Trumpian bad. The News Journal summed up Governor Two-Face’s problem succinctly, “Our schools and educational system need to improve, but we don’t want to pay for that improvement.” It’s time to lead Governor Carney, not hide.

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March 2, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 2, 2017 10 Comments
March 2, 2017 Open Thread

Religious Unity, The Bidens, UDairy Creamery, Budget Cuts

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Top Posts for February 2017

Filed in National by on March 1, 2017 2 Comments
Top Posts for February 2017

Not surprisingly, the SD10 Special Election dominated the traffic last month, occupying 6 of the top 10 spots. Kellyanne Conway not being attractive is turning into a real SEO evergreen up there with the all-time champion, “Bacon number lower than 4”

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The Republican President Speaketh

Filed in National by on March 1, 2017 10 Comments
The Republican President Speaketh

So, the Republican President holds his shit together for an hour and pundits burst into orgasm. The bar is really fucking low right now.

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March 1, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 1, 2017 3 Comments
March 1, 2017 Open Thread

Referendum failure, Wilmington University, West Chester Bus, Port of Wilmington

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Nicole and Tony Sittin’ In a Tree, P-I-S-S-I-N-G…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 1, 2017 60 Comments
Nicole and Tony Sittin’ In a Tree, P-I-S-S-I-N-G…

…on the current and should-be future Labor Secretary, Patrice Gilliam-Johnson. Who are Nicole and Tony?  That would be Senator Nicole Poore and disgraced ex-Senator Tony DeLuca.  Poore has a six-figure sinecure from Jobs For Delaware Graduates.   And DeLuca has a sinecure from the Department of Labor as Director of Labor Law Enforcement.  Neither are at […]

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