Delaware Liberal

What Would YOU Tell Gov. Carney at His Marijuana Symposium?

It looks at least possible that the Governor is willing to consider marijuana legalization.  Cynics might say that that’s b/c it’s just one more issue he hasn’t thought about.  Even if that’s true, though, it means he could be persuaded.  It’s  better than the ‘over my dead body’ line in the sand drawn by Jack Markell, who is looking more and more like a failed governor with each passing day.

So, on Wednesday, Carney will hold a symposium at Del-Tech Wilmington at 4 pm. Six supporters of legalization, including bill sponsors Sen. Margaret Rose Henry and  Rep. Helene Keeley, will speak about why they favor legalization.

If you were to address the governor, what would you say?  Why do you support or oppose legalization?

I’ll start.  I smoked pot in college and for at least 10 years, probably more like 15, after I graduated.  I stopped enjoying it b/c it induced a sense of paranoia in me.  However, if pot were legal, I’d probably use it. Not for recreation, but rather b/c my work has physical demands and I’m always aching when I get home.  I would seek out a strain that is effective as a pain reducer.  To the governor: It’s safer and less addicting than the opiates that are now the scourge of our country’s drug epidemic.

That’s mine. What’s yours?

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