Bill-o Gone-o: An In-Depth Analysis from the Atlantic. BTW, kids, and think this through. Isn’t replacing Sean Spicer with Bill O’Reilly the ultimate Trumpian move? I think it’s gonna happen. Whaddayathink?
Carney’s Marijuana Forum. Reading between the lines, I think Carney is doing this just for show. Prove me wrong, John.
Exxon Seeks Waiver for Russian Oil Deal From—ex-Exxon CEO and current Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: ‘Nobody could have predicted this would happen.’ Except everybody.
Over 21,000 Mass. Drug Convictions Tossed Out Due to Tainted Evidence. Kids, remember that, in Delaware, when it comes to evidence, the fox is guarding the henhouse. Both the police and the Medical Examiner work together, not independently. Under the ‘watchful’ eye of police groupie and ex-State Rep. Becky Walker. What could possibly go wrong? A major scandal waiting to happen.
Chaffetz: ‘Why Sleep on a Cot When I Could Make Zillions Lobbying for the Dark Side?’ OK, I made up the quote, but it fits. Like Darth Vader, he’ll be back. After he ‘fattens up the ol’ coffers.’