Delaware Liberal

Democrats cruisin’ for another bruisin’

A lot of talk about the old Dem circular firing squad forming up. Good times. Here is what professional DC Democrats and Clintonites, and frauds like John Carney still don’t get. No progressive (or “Bernie Bro” if you want to try and be disparaging) is going to be scolded back into the Democratic Party as it is currently constituted. That is to say, no progressive is going to join a less racist version of the Republican Party devoted to pursuing the interest of the finical sector.

If progressives ever come back, they need to be romanced in. With real improvements to the shit ass crap that currently passes as “Democratic” policies. And they could be easily romanced, but to the professional DC Democrats and Clintonites, and frauds like John Carney, the idea of romancing the likes of me (for example) makes them want to puke. As far as John Carney is concerned, dirty hippies, have no place in the America, let alone the Democratic Party. There are some traditional Democratic factions that Carney probably does give a shit about (The Civil Rights Industrial Complex, Gays, Some Labor, etc.) but old school Roosevelt New Dealers aren’t one of them.

You can look at this as “getting my victim on” but I promise it isn’t. It is just me letting you High Dems know why you are setting up to lose …again.

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