Delaware Liberal

Open Thread for May 2, 2017

The Real Reason Why Hillary Lost.  Spoiler Alert: It’s exactly what we thought:

Indeed, the voters who flipped from Obama to Trump in just four years have amassed 70 percent of the reason why Clinton lost the election.  (In other words, it wasn’t just racism.)  The real reason?:

Clinton lost was unable to persuade working class white voters mainly because she didn’t differ from the status-quo, and Trump was a candidate that ran on abolishing the establishment class, even though he was never actually going to anyways.

For that guy who derided any criticism of Clinton over here as consorting with the enemy, you were wrong!

Great Chance for A D Congressional Pickup.  Of course, she was one of the most moderate of Republicans and, of course, there’s no guarantee that the D will be any better. Me? I’ll wait to see who Debbie Wasserman Schultz endorses and then send money to the other candidate.

This Is Ridiculous. $120 mill for Trump’s Family Security?:  Another issue that D’s should be hammering away at.

Congrats to Dogfish founder Sam Calagione, 2017 Beard Award Winner!  It’s gotten to the point where Dogfish Head rivals ‘tax-free shopping’ as Delaware’s chief identifier.  BTW, didja know that Valerie Bertinelli was still alive? I didn’t.

General Assembly Struggling With Senior Property Tax Break:  I like Rep. Kim Williams’ approach.  Truth-in-advertising: If it’s means-tested, we’ll probably lose the break, and I’m totally fine with that.  As long as it protects Delaware seniors on fixed incomes.

Must-Read of the Day (from yesterday):  How the Right Wing Came to Love Them Some Russia.


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