Delaware Liberal

Open Thread for May 9, 2017

TransPerfect’s Campaign Imperfect. Did any of you see that commercial sponsored by some PAC called something like Pro-Business Delaware? Basically the ad says that, thanks to the Court of Chancery’s decision in the TransPerfect case, a decision necessitated b/c the two key TransPerfect officials just couldn’t get along, Delaware will lose its pre-eminent status for incorporations?  It’s part of a $500,000 (!) campaign to influence Delaware legislators.  Well, so far the score is one who has been influenced (Bonini) and two who have turned thumbs down (Simpson and Lavelle).  When a so-called pro-business PAC loses the R Senate leadership, it has lost Delaware.  Maybe they should spend the $500 K to send the two feuding officers to counseling.

Tone-Deaf. McConnell Appoints an All-Male Senate Panel to Write Health Care Bill.  I suspect that there will be women to fetch coffee for them.

Ramping Up in Afghanistan?  Here’s a story that demands much more attention.  Wag the dog, maybe?

Stoopid Rethuglican Tricks.  Watch the tape of an Iowa congressman walking out on an interview. The kids there? They were ‘props’ insisted upon by the congressman.

James Comey Caught in a Big Whopper.  Not since Alexander Haig have I seen such instability paraded across the screen. Uh, except for Trump.

Yes, AG Sessions is a racist.  Just check out what ‘precedent’ the Justice Department cited to defend Muslim ban. I cannot make this stuff up.


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