Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For May 14, 2017

Why Trump Must Be Impeached.  Not just for Obstruction of Justice,  but for his brazen disregard for the Emoluments Clause since Day 1.

As Aetna Exits, Time For Single Payer in Delaware.  This is precisely what Trump is trying to do in destabilizing the marketplace. It’s working.

Should Lawmakers Keep Their $275,000 Road Slush Funds?  Sean Matthews says no, John Kowalko says yes. What do you think?

Fox News Was Even Scummier Than You Thought.  Smearing perceived enemies and  using, dare I say it, Russian-style disinformation techniques.

Steve Smyk Is A Bad Person.  Claimed that cop killer chanted from the Koran. Now calls his claim ‘premature and speculative’.  As Nancy Willing points out here, right-wing media has run with it, there’s no going back. Smyk is an asshole.



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