Check Out the Candidates for Delaware Democratic State Chair Here…
This Saturday, May 20, 10 am to noon, Newark Senior Center.
Not just chair but the other Party positions. There is no charge, but you do need a ticket. Act now:

Is there a list anywhere for us rank-and-file peons? The website is pretty devoid of info.
Damn good question, SW. I went to the State Democratic Party site. Couldn’t find them there, either.
Pretty sure that Erik Raser-Schramm and Glen Schmeising are the only two candidates for State Chair, but I don’t know about the other candidates.
OK, who can help answer SW’s question?
So here is the list of people that we know are running (provided by my good friend Eric)
For State Party Chairperson: Erik Raser-Schramm & Glen Schmeising
For State Party Vice-Chairwoman: Betsy Maron, running unopposed
For State Party Vice-Chairman: Jim Hussey, running unopposed
For State Party Secretary: Linda Cavanaugh, running unopposed
For State Party Treasurer: Helene Keeley, running unopposed
For National Committee male: Sean Finnigan, Vincent White, & Murowany
For National Committee female: Kristen Dywer, Katherine Caudle, & Karen Kirkpatrick Valentine
Of course this list is subject to change, as anyone could be nominated from the floor of the convention. The list of people who are coming to the forum this Saturday should be up on the facebook link.