Open Thread for May 20, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 20, 2017

Trump Brags in Oval Office About Sabotaging Obamacare.  Story was leaked in near record time.

UnitedHealthcare Bilked Medicare Out of Billions:  I repeat. Insurance companies are middlemen, not healthcare providers. Single payer eliminates the middleman, saves billions.

No Corrections Experience Needed to Head Vaughn Correctional Center.  Friday news dump, nobody returning reporters’ calls.

About Bleeping Time. Wilmington Chief Pushes Community Policing.  The longstanding hostility towards one of crime prevention’s most effective tools has permeated the leadership of Wilmington forever. I’d appreciate it if someone could explain why.  This is an encouraging development.

It’s Kushner.  I’ve said it all along: Follow the money, especially that from Russia to Trump projects. It’s how the Trumps finance their empire. Russia.

How Trump Is Looking to Undercut Special Prosecutor.  Considering the use of obscure federal regulation to prevent Mueller from investigating Manafort and, that name again, Jared Kushner.

Yep, Callista Gingrich Gets That Vatican Ambassador’s Gig.  Tell the nuns to watch out. Newt’s on the prowl. BTW, Friday news dump.





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  1. Aurochs says:

    It’s high time for some direct action in Dover. After seeing what happened on Thursday, I don’t think there’s any other way to stop the General Assembly from giving the state over to the cocks in the CoC.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Trump will blow up health insurance if the Dems let him. While paying 7 billion to underwrite the profits of insurance companies seems like a bad deal for taxpayers, blowing up the system seems like a bad way of getting out of it.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Let’s take one day off from this horror. Head down the Riverfront. Big show today. I’m particularly excited to see Dr John. Don’t ruin it for me.

  4. puck says:

    Cutting the grass today. I have never been able to use those new-fangled federally-mandated spillproof gas cans without spilling and spraying gas all over myself and the lawnmower. Thanks, Obama. I hope Trump can do something about that before he gets carted off to jail. Goddam liberal nanny state.

  5. Aurochs says:

    puck: I got an electric lawn mower, a newer 40V model that takes advantage of recent battery technology advancements. It’s not great for lawns that are much bigger than mine (and mine wouldn’t be considered “large” by anyone), but I don’t have to deal with gas cans, ever. That alone is worth it.

    Unrelated: I found some good news today. Even fucking IRAN rejected its version of Donald Trump:

  6. Tom Kline says:

    So true!!

    Cutting the grass today. I have never been able to use those new-fangled federally-mandated spillproof gas cans without spilling and spraying gas all over myself and the lawnmower. Thanks, Obama. I hope Trump can do something about that before he gets carted off to jail. Goddam liberal nanny state.

  7. Blackflyer says:

    I could not agree with Aurocks more. It is time for direct action in Dover.

  8. Aurochs and Blackflyer: What is also needed is a series of primary challenges to those elected officials who have ignored those who elected them.

    I’m working on a series of pieces on those who should be primaried, and the likelihood of success of those challenges. Suffice it to say that there are some seriously vulnerable incumbents if only reformers will challenge them.

  9. Gymrat says:

    Bryon Short????……. work begins at home;)

  10. Yes. Definitely.

  11. Gymrat says:

    A point of agreement, imagine that:)

  12. Aurochs says:

    El Som: Those people need to first be told, in no uncertain terms, that there will be consequences for continuing to ignore the needs of the people. I’d prefer that Carney’s austerity budget not become law in the first place. It’s already doing damage and it hasn’t even been marked up yet. Mounting successful primary challenges would be a hollow victory if the CoC still got what it wanted.

    Also, those potential challengers need to know that there’s appetite for fresh faces in Legislative Hall.

  13. I think that, with Delaware United and Network Delaware, there are progressive grassroots organizations with the skills to assist in mounting these challenges.

    There is no point in telling the DINO’s that, if they persist, they will be challenged. I’m looking at people who have been down there long enough and have enough of a track record that we know they won’t change. That’s why challengers will not be Chamber lackeys.

    I don’t think progressives have ever been better positioned to challenge the Chamber forces that dominate too much of the D delegation. That goes for those who genuflect to the cops as well. There’s a mobilized grassroots movement in Delaware. Might as well take advantage of it.

  14. Alby says:

    “I have never been able to use those new-fangled federally-mandated spillproof gas cans without spilling and spraying gas all over myself and the lawnmower. Thanks, Obama. I hope Trump can do something about that before he gets carted off to jail. Goddam liberal nanny state.”

    You’re as useful as used toilet paper. Perhaps you can take your complaint to my neighbor growing up, whose young son knocked over an old-fashioned gas can and started a fire that killed him.

    Goddamn fuckstick pretend men. You’re a sniveling coward whose interests apparently end at the tip of his own dick.