Kushner Sought Illegal Back-Channel w/Russia…To Avoid Detection From US Intelligence: Graham and McCain express ‘concern’ in 3-2-1. Then do nothing. The Rethugs are a criminal enterprise. Second only to Trump and his minions.
Neither Delaware Nor Feds Inspect Freight Rails: More fuel shipments by rail? What could possibly go wrong?
‘Psst, Wanna See John Glenn’s Body?’: ‘Uh, no thank you. BTW, you’re fired.’ Although…this could be retaliation.
Kushner-Owned Paper Outs Trump Collusion w/Russia. Looks like there could be a shakeup at the Observer soon…
Kushner Had Three More Contacts w/Russians That He ‘Forgot’ To Report. This entire Presidency has been driven by the Trump family’s financial dependence on Russia.
Inside the ‘Strange’, Um, ‘Unusual’, Alabama Republican Primary for U. S. Senate. The kind of story that Politico does best. BTW, the D’s don’t matter, which is not news.
$6 Trillion Remains Unpaid for Iraq and Afghan Wars. Kick the can down the road.
What do you want to talk about today?