Open Thread For May 28, 2017
What Happens When You Keep Cutting Education Funds. Yes, it’s Oklahoma. But when you blindly cut funds, it leads to this. Are you paying attention, Jellyfish John? Using a formula to cut spending is not a policy, it’s a formula.
Same Holds True For Colleges. A deliberate attempt to put an end to upward mobility?
How A Shadowy Company And, Yes, Law Enforcement, Used Military Counterterrorism Tactics To Go After Standing Rock ‘Insurgents’: Not only can it happen here, it’s happening here.
Why DOJ Verges on Dysfunction: Nobody wants to sign on with Team Trump.
Some of the Best, and One of the Worst, People Call Portland Home. One thing about Portlanders, they walk the walk.
What do you want to talk about?
I know it sounds opportunistic now. Slightly dirty, like war profiteering. I’m also not trying to pander. This is just the best time to be reminded.
That incident in liberal Portland can happen anywhere. I expect everyone one of you to stand up with no fucking fear. Be alert and be brave. This needs to be confronted every time no exception. Be ready to defend yourself as well by whatever means at hand and as required.
These two are real martyrs, not only heroes, because the cause they stood for was so profound and magnificent. Dying defending the world from Nazis has always been a noble cause and it will continue to be.
Memorial Day message from RE Vanella
Indulge that confirmation bias, John.
Really, this should be held as a discussion between the two sides, not as two separate meetings with each side individually. The cops et al are going to emphasize addiction and DWI and ignore any positive effects of legalization; the pro-legalization side is going to emphasize incarceration rates, drug crime, and tax receipts, and ignore any negative effects of legalization. No big-picture story is likely to come about from this.
There are serious questions to be answered or at least contemplated (eg how would any increase in the rate of DWI deaths compare to any decrease in the rate of drug crime related deaths?), and they need to be fit into that big-picture story. None of that is likely to happen with individual stakeholder meetings.
Also, I swear must have been mentioned on some right-wing blog/subreddit/whatever. This wave of low-effort trolls is ridiculous.
I was thinking about you RAV when I rad the Portland story, and I agree 100% – those guys are heroes.
What do the wonk bees at DL think of the proposed consolidation of Delaware’s educational apparatus by the JFC? It’s hard for me to tell what the impacts will be, and, other than that i distrust, in principle, centralized authority in these areas, I don’t know. Anyone?