Open Thread For May 29, 2017
WSJ Tries To Peddle False Equivalency On Kushner’s Back Channel. Joy Reid Blows It Up. The false equivalency was ‘Obama did it too’. Except he didn’t. This, however, will be a phony Rethug talking point going forward.
First Kushner Apologist Steps Up. DHS Secretary. His job’s secure for now. We’ll see the drumbeat this week. This is what Priebus and Bannon came back from overseas to orchestrate.
Another Take On Kushner’s Back-Channel From the Former CIA Director. He says that Kushner’s actions reinforce a ‘belief that government institutions only serve the self-interests of the president currently in power’. That sums it up for me.
Angela Merkel: Europe Can No Longer Count On Trump’s America. Either for NATO or on climate change.
Senior Housing To Be Built Near Rt. 9 Library? I like the idea.
Remembering Fallen Civil War Soldiers On Memorial Day. Let us remember and thank all who paid the ultimate sacrifice on this Memorial Day.
What do you want to talk about?
Most of us are the children of veterans. We hate needless wars, not the people forced to fight them.
Are you a veteran? Did they take away your brains in basic? Are you a member of Trump’s Traitor Brigade?
@Pinhead. I am a child, sister, mother, niece, granddaughter, cousin, great granddaughter of veterans or active duty service people. I don’t know one liberal who hates veterans but I know I hate wars waged to make money for the captains of industry. Painting all liberals or all of any group with the same brush leads to false conclusions.
As a liberal and a veteran, I say with all the respect worthy of your comment, Fuck You.
Like the ozone layer, the trolling is really thin and piss poor these days. Just know that if you respond to this nit wit (…and I understand wanting to respond from time to time) his nit wit comments will be going away as soon as I see them.
Oh Jason you are so full of your Liberal suggestions on handling what is a major problem in the Dem party. We don’t want you in our party any longer. LEAVE.
Why don’t you leave instead? You claim to be a Democrat? Out of which mold, John Daniello’s? There’s a place for dinosaur turds like you — in the natural history museum.
The nonsensical non sequitur from Tom Kline has the feel of a comment he has been working on for weeks. A swing and a miss.
Tom Kline is a democrat like a boil on the ass is a beauty mark.
Rep. Kowalko
Cory Booker just ended his hope of ever gaining higher office by defending Kushner. Why? Campaign donations.
Wow. That article is must-reading. The Trumps own Booker.
It’s too bad. I kinda liked that guy.
Corey Booker is a corporate stooge. Bought and sold .
Someday corporate-loving Democrats will learn that the money isn’t worth entering bondage. I’m just not sure it will be during my lifetime.
Alby, the bondage mortgage well exceeds our lifetimes may exceed millennial’s