Archive for May, 2017

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 3, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 3, 2017 4 Comments

When it comes to legislators being courageous vs. fear of being demagogued, fear wins every time.  Which is why HB 122 (Smyk) unanimously, unanimously, passed the House yesterday.  Just use your critical thinking skills and parse every syllable of its synopsis: This bill provides greater protection to correctional officers and other state employees who are […]

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 2, 2017 7 Comments

First, a wrap-up of last week’s highlights: *The second leg of a constitutional amendment requiring expenditures from the Transportation Trust Fund to be limited to transportation infrastructure-related expenses passed the Senate. One Not Voting: Sen. McDowell.  Bill now goes to the House. *Sen. McDowell introduced legislation barring the practice of ‘conversion therapy’ in Delaware. *Here’s […]

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Open Thread for May 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 2, 2017 10 Comments

The Real Reason Why Hillary Lost.  Spoiler Alert: It’s exactly what we thought: Indeed, the voters who flipped from Obama to Trump in just four years have amassed 70 percent of the reason why Clinton lost the election.  (In other words, it wasn’t just racism.)  The real reason?: Clinton lost was unable to persuade working […]

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John Carney’s First 100 Days

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 1, 2017 13 Comments

Yes, he thinks he accomplished some stuff. Or at least his press secretary thought that they needed to release a list of his so-called accomplishments. Really, they did.  Here is the result: Governor Carney’s First 100 Days WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor Carney released the following statement on his first 100 days in office: “During my […]

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What Do Charlie Copeland and Mike Harrington Have In Common?

Filed in Delaware by on May 1, 2017 12 Comments

Glad you asked.  Both have held the title of Republican State Chairman. Both are former legislators. Here’s the thing, though.  While Copeland’s short and relatively recent legislative reign ended when he chose to pursue…well, whatever he chose to pursue, Dissolute Recrimination and the like, Mike Harrington lost his reelection bid by 23 votes…back in 1982.  […]

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